Fluid milk product means cream, sour cream, acidified sour cream, half-and-half, sour
Fluid milk product means cream, sour cream, acidified sour cream, half-and-half, sour half- and-half, whipped cream, concentrated milk, concentrated milk products, reduced fat milk, low fat milk, nonfat milk, flavored milk, buttermilk, cultured buttermilk, cultured milk, yogurt, low fat yogurt, nonfat yogurt, eggnog, holiday nog, nog-flavored milk, vitamin and mineral fortified milk or milk products, and any other fluid milk product made by adding any substance to milk or any of these products.
Fluid milk product means the same as defined in Iowa Code section 321E.29B(3).
Examples of Fluid milk product in a sentence
Fluid milk product is fluid milk product as defined by the standards of the federal government heretofore adop- ted in the said order regulating handling of milk in Puget Sound, Washington, marketing area.
More Definitions of Fluid milk product
Fluid milk product means a product that meets the definition of milk, skim milk, buttermilk, ultrafiltered milk, or cream.
Fluid milk product means the fol lowing products or mixtures in either fluid or frozen form, including such products or mixtures that are flavored, cultured, modified (with added nonfat milk solids), concentrated, or reconsti tuted: Milk, skim milk, lowfat milk, milk drinks, buttermilk, filled milk, and mix tures of cream and milk or skim milk containing less than 10.5 percent butter- fat. The term “ fluid milk product” shall not include those products and mixtures listed in § 1036.41 (b) and (c )( 1 ).
Fluid milk product means milk, skim milk, buttermilk, milk drinks (plain or flavored), cream or any mixture in fluid form of skim milk and cream (except aerated cream products, sour cream, ice cream mix, evaporated or condensed milk, and sterilized products packaged in hermetically sealed containers).
Fluid milk product means the fol lowing milk products, including such products made by reconstituting or re combining concentrated or dehydrated milk constituents with water. Miiir (in cluding frozen or concentrated milk), cream (sweet or sour), skim milk, butter milk, flavored milk, flavored milk drinks, or any mixtures in fluid form of milk, skim milk or cream, with or without other ingredients, which are designated as milk products by the appropriate health authority. This definition shall not include sterilized products packaged in hermetically sealed containers, egg nog, yogurt, ice cream mix or aerated, plastic or frozen cream.
Fluid milk product means milk (in cluding frozen and concentrated milk) , flavored milk, or skim milk. “ Fluid milk product” shall not include sterilized products in hermetically sealed con tainers or milk shake mix.
Fluid milk product means milk, skim milk, buttermilk, flavored milk, flavored milk drinks, sour cream and sour cream products labeled Grade A, cream or any mixture in fluid form of cream and milk or skim milk: Provided, That eggnog, ice cream mix, frozen dessert mix, aerated cream products, evaporated and condensed milk or skim milk and steri-
Fluid milk product means the fol lowing products or mixtures in either fluid or ^frozen form, including such products or mixtures that are flavored, cultured, modified (with added nonfat milk solids), concentrated, or reconsti tuted: Milk, skim milk, lowfat milk, milk drinks, buttermilk, filled milk, milk shake mixes containing less than 20 per cent total solids, and mixtures of cream and milk or skim milk containing less than 10.5 percent butterfat. The term “ fluid milk product” shall not include eggnog, yogurt, frozen desserts, frozen dessert mixes, dietary products and in fant formulas in hermetically sealed metili or glass containers, evaporated or condensed milk or skim milk in plain or sweetened form, any product containing six percent or more nonmilk fat (or oil), and any product that contains by weight less than 6.5 percent nonfat milk solids.