Force account work definition

Force account work means the use of the governmental unit’s or board of regent’s own employees and equipment for proj- ect planning, design, construction, construction related activities, inspections, repair, or improvement to an urban best management practice.
Force account work means work that meets all of the following requirements:
Force account work means the use of the governmental unit’s own employees or equipment for construction, construction related activities, or repair or improvement to a best management practice.

Examples of Force account work in a sentence

  • FORCE ACCOUNT Force account work is only allowed when there is a finding of cost effectiveness for the work to be performed by some method other than a contract awarded by a competitive bidding process, or there is an emergency.

  • Force account work performed by a sub-contractor shall be paid at the force account rates specified in the Tender Form.

  • Force account work does not include grant or project administration activities which are otherwise direct project costs.

  • Force account work may consist of design, construction, refurbishment, inspection, and construction management activities, if eligible for reimbursement under the grant.

  • Force account work is only allowed when there is a finding of cost effectiveness for the work to be performed by some method other than a contract awarded by a competitive bidding process, or there is an emergency.

More Definitions of Force account work

Force account work means engineering, construction, or other project−specific activities performed by municipal paid employees, or using equipment owned by the municipality, or both.
Force account work means engineering, construction, or other project-specific activities performed by a municipality’s paid employees or use of equipment owned by the municipality in construction of the project, or both.
Force account work means work directed by the Owner pursuant to General Condition 47.
Force account work means the work a municipality per- forms using its own employees or equipment for construction, construction−related activities, repairs or improvements to a site or facility.
Force account work means the use of the governmental unit’s own employees or equipment for project planning, design, construction, construction related activities, inspection, repair, or improvement to a best management practice.
Force account work means the use of the grantee’s own employees or equipment for construction, construction− related activities (including architectural or engineering services), or repair or improvement to a facility.
Force account work means the project work a munici- pality performs using its own employees or equipment for plan- ning, design, construction, construction–related activities, inspection, repairs or improvements to a treatment works or struc- tural urban BMP.