Examples of Foreign Ownership Regulations in a sentence
Subject to the Securities Industry (Central Depositories) (Foreign Ownership) Regulations, 1996 (where applicable) and notwithstanding any provision in the Act, a depositor shall not be regarded as a member entitled to attend any general meeting and to speak and vote thereat unless his name appears in the General Meeting Record of Depositors.
Subject to the Securities Industry (Central Depositories) (Foreign Ownership) Regulations, 1996 (where applicable) and notwithstanding any provision in the Act, a Depositor shall not be regarded as a Member entitled to attend any general meeting and to speak and vote thereat unless his name appears in the General Meeting Record of Depositors.
Rule 9.02 Restriction: Save and except as provided in the Foreign Ownership Regulations, no deposited securities which are for the time being designated as “securities in suspense” shall be utilised for any book-entry transfer from one account to another.
Subject to the Securities Industry (Central Depositories) (Foreign Ownership) Regulations 1996 (where applicable), a Depositor shall not be regarded as a Member entitled to attend any meeting of Members and to speak and vote thereat unless his name appears in the General Meeting Record of Depositors.
Pursuant to the Securities Industry (Central Depositories) (Foreign Ownership) Regulations 1996 and Rule 41(a) of the Company’s Constitution, only those Foreigners (as defined in the Constitution) who hold shares up to the current prescribed foreign ownership limit of 45.0% of the total number of issued shares of the Company, on a first-in-time basis based on the Record of Depositors to be used for the forthcoming EGM shall be entitled to vote.
Pursuant to the Securities Industry (Central Depositories) (Foreign Ownership) Regulations 1996 and Rule 41(a) of the Company’s Constitution, only those Foreigners (as defined in the Constitution) who hold shares up to the current prescribed foreign ownership limit of 45.0% of the total number of issued shares of the Company, on a first-in-time basis based on the Record of Depositors to be used for the forthcoming EGM, shall be entitled to vote.
Any depositor who had opened a securities account prior to the date the Foreign Ownership Regulations came into force (hereinafter in this chapter referred to as “the said Date”), shall ensure that the said representation made previously to the Depository is in accordance with the Foreign Ownership Regulations.
Rule 9.02 Restriction: Save and except as provided in the Foreign Ownership Regulations, no deposited securities which are for the time being designated as “securities in suspense” shall be utilised for any book-entry transfer from one account to another.Rule 9.03 Processing: (1) Manner of processing: All requests for the transfer of securities shall be processed in accordance with these Rules and the directions issued by the Depository from time to time.
In reliance of the said representation, the Depository shall place restricted shares standing to the credit of the securities account of such depositor in suspense in accordance with the Foreign Ownership Regulations.
Subject to the Securities Industry (Central Depositories) (Foreign Ownership) Regulations 1996 (where applicable), a depositor shall not be regarded as a member entitled to attend any general meeting and to speak and vote thereat unless his name appears in the General Meeting Record of Depositors.