Examples of Forum Island Countries in a sentence
The Convention to Ban the Importation into Forum Island Countries of Hazardous and Radioactive Wastes and to Control the Trans-boundary Movement of Hazardous wastes within the South Pacific Region, known also as the Waigani Convention, entered into force on the 21st October 2001.
Required to implement obligations under the Basel Convention on the Control of the Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal and the Waigani Convention to Ban the Importation into Forum Island Countries of Hazardous and Radioactive Wastes and to Control the Transboundary Movement and Management of Hazardous Wastes within the South Pacific Region and the OECD Decision C(2001)107/Final on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Wastes Destined for Recovery Operations.
Notwithstanding paragraphs 2 and 3, Forum Island Countries which had participated in the PACER Plus negotiations but were unable to sign by the time that the Agreement entered into force, can accede to it on an expedited basis following agreement with the Parties on its Schedules of Commitments on Tariffs (Chapter 2), Trade in Services (Chapter 7), Movement of Natural Persons (Chapter 8) and Investment (Chapter 9).
The Basel Convention states clearly that the trans- boundary movement of hazardous wastes and other wastes should be permitted only when the transport and the ultimate disposal of such wastes is environmentally sound.The Convention to Ban the Importation into Forum Island Countries of Hazardous and Radioactive Wastes and to Control the Trans-boundary Movement of Hazardous wastes within the South Pacific Region, known also as the Waigani Convention, entered into force on the 21st October 2001.
The increasing participation of Forum Island Countries in services trade shall be 3 For greater certainty, the Parties mutually understand that Parties have the right to regulate, provided that regulation does not nullify or impair obligations and commitments of this Chapter.
In determining the number of officials to be funded from the Forum Island Countries, account shall be taken of the issues on the agenda to be considered by the Joint Committee or the subsidiary bodies.
Consistent with the commitment of the developed country Parties to support the implementation of this Agreement, appropriate funding will be made available under Chapter 10 (Development and Economic Cooperation) for the participation of officials from Forum Island Countries to attend meetings of the Joint Committee and other subsidiary bodies.
The Trade Negotiations section provides policy and technical advice on multilateral trade issues to Forum Island Countries (FICs) which are members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and coordinates their participation in multilateral negotiations.
At that stage, the 10 Forum Island Countries (FICs) which have signed so far will start to open up to free trade with each other.
In view of the very limited intra-regional trade, without a large trading partner in the FTA and/or considerable diversification, FTA benefits are likely to be modest in the beginning but should increase once Forum Island Countries are able to make the necessary adjustments to their economies.