Examples of Foster children in a sentence
Foster children who live with you may count as members of your household and should be listed on your application.
Foster children are covered from the date of placement in foster care.
Foster children and children enrolled in Head Start are also eligible for free meals.
Foster children may also be included as a member of the foster family if the foster family chooses to also apply for benefits for other children.
Foster children, foster adults, and live-in aides are never considered dependents [24 CFR 5.603(b)].
Foster children that are under the legal responsibility of a foster care agency or court are eligible for free meals.
Extended foster care payments Foster children who meet certain crite- ria can receive benefits until age 21.
Foster children may be included if they have the same registered address as the main insured party.
Foster children may be brought to school for enrollment by their foster parents, social workers, or other legal guardians.
Foster children certified through means other than an application are also included as well as students certified for free meals based on a letter provided by the household from the SNAP agency.