Examples of Fraud or misrepresentation in a sentence
Fraud or misrepresentation with the intent to deceive after coverage is in force is grounds for cancellation and grounds to deny coverage for benefits related to such fraud, concealment, or misrepresentation.
Fraud or misrepresentation in the information provided will void the exemption or revocation.
Fraud or misrepresentation with the intent to deceive after coverage is in force is grounds for cancellation and grounds to deny coverage for benefits related to such fraud, concealment, or misrepresentation.Coverage for other benefits will continue until the cancellation is effective.
Your membership in the Plan, and coverage under the Plan, may be terminated and written notice will be provided for any of the following reasons:• Fraud or misrepresentation.
CMS may base its determination on an intermediary’s or carrier’s belief that giving prior notice would hinder the possibility of recov- ering the money.(4) Fraud or misrepresentation.