Mobile means any mobile delivery technology including 3G, 3.5G, 4G, 5G cellular technology, and any subsequent generation technology, edge, DVBH or DMB which is or may be used with radio frequency spectrum in any band, to enable or facilitate transmission of textual material, data, voice, video and/or multimedia service to any device (whether now known or hereafter developed) which is capable of receiving and/or sending voice and/or data and/or video communications by means of a device which is designed primarily as a portable device.
Manufactured/mobile home means either a manufactured home or a mobile home;
Automobile or watercraft transporters means any tractor truck, lowboy, vehicle, or combination,
Weapon-free school zone means school property and a vehicle used by a school to transport students to or from school property.
Mobile Device means a computing device, typically smaller than a notebook, which runs a mobile operating system, such as iOS, Android, or Windows Phone. Mobile Devices include smart phones, most tablets, and other form factors.
Stinger-steered automobile or watercraft transporter means an automobile or watercraft transporter
Customer Premises Equipment or "CPE" means equipment employed on the premises of a Person other than a Carrier to originate, route or terminate Telecommunications (e.g., a telephone, PBX, modem pool, etc.).
Customer-generator means a user of a net metering system.
Mobile Devices means tablets and smartphones running mobile operating systems (e.g., iOS, Blackberry OS, Android, or Windows Mobile operating systems). Laptops are not considered to be Mobile Devices.
IntraLATA LEC Toll means IntraLATA Toll traffic carried solely by a Local Exchange Carrier and not by an IXC. "IntraLATA Toll Traffic" describes IntraLATA Traffic outside the Local Calling Area.
Manufactured dwelling park means a place where four or more manufactured dwellings
Generator Owner means the Person that owns the Generating Facility and has registered with the NERC as the Person responsible for complying with all NERC Reliability Standards applicable to the owner of the Generating Facility.
Customer Equipment means hardware, software, systems, cabling and facilities provided by you and used in conjunction with the Equipment that we supply to you in order to receive the Services;
Permitted User means a person other than an employee of the Company who is authorized by the Company pursuant to and in accordance with Section 2.1(a)(ii) and all applicable Documentation to access and use one or more specific Component Systems.
Cell Site means a transmitter/receiver location, operated by a CMRS provider, through which radio links are established between a wireless system and a Wireless Phone Handset.
Customer Premises means premises owned, controlled or occupied by the Customer which are made available for use by the Supplier or its Sub-Contractors for the provision of the Goods and/or Services (or any of them);
Customer Site means the site owned or leased by the Customer or any other site used to provide the Service, which is directly connected to a PoP managed by Liquid Telecom, as set out in the COF;
Mobile Network means the network facilities and/or network services comprising the public cellular network for the provision of Call Communications.
bicycle parking space – visitor means an area that is equipped with a bicycle rack for the purpose of parking and securing bicycles, and:
Permitted Users means employees and Contract Employees of Your Permitted Entity.
Customer Proprietary Network Information (“CPNI”) is as defined in the Act.
Eligible customer-generator means a customer that owns and operates, or contracts with other
Alarm user means the person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, or organization of any kind in control of any building, structure, or facility or portion thereof wherein an alarm system is maintained.
Semitrailer means every vehicle of the trailer type so designed and used in conjunction with a
Storage operator means a person holding or applying for a permit.
Commercial Software means Software developed or regularly used that: (i) has been sold, leased, or licensed to the general public; (ii) has been offered for sale, lease, or license to the general public; (iii) has not been offered, sold, leased, or licensed to the public but will be available for commercial sale, lease, or license in time to satisfy the delivery requirements of this Contract; or (iv) satisfies a criterion expressed in (i), (ii), or (iii) above and would require only minor modifications to meet the requirements of this Contract.