Freestanding surgical outpatient facility definition

Freestanding surgical outpatient facility means a facility, other than the office of a physician, dentist, podiatrist, or other private practice office, offering a surgical procedure and related care that in the opinion of the attending physician can be safely performed without requiring overnight inpatient hospital care. Freestanding surgical outpatient facility does not include a surgical outpatient facility owned by and operated as part of a hospital.
Freestanding surgical outpatient facility means a facility licensed under part 208 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.20801 to 333.20821.
Freestanding surgical outpatient facility or "FSOF" means a health facility licensed under Part 208 of the Code. It does not include a surgical outpatient facility owned and operated as a part of a licensed hospital site.

More Definitions of Freestanding surgical outpatient facility

Freestanding surgical outpatient facility means a facility, other than the office of a physician, dentist, podiatrist, or other private practice office, as defined by 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.20104, that offers a surgical procedure and related care which, in the opinion of the attending physician, can be safely performed without requiring overnight inpatient hospital care. The term does not include a surgical outpatient facility owned by, and operated as part of, a hospital.
Freestanding surgical outpatient facility or “FSOF” means a facility as defined in section 20104(7) of the code, MCL 333.20104(7), and includes, but is not limited to, a private practice office that performs 120 or more surgical abortions per year and publicly advertises outpatient abortion services. Characteristics of a freestanding surgical outpatient facility include, but are not limited to, patient encounters with a physician, dentist, podiatrist, or other provider primarily for performing surgical procedures or related diagnosis, consultation, observation, and postoperative care, and the owner or operator may make the facility available to other physicians, dentists, podiatrists, or other providers who comprise its professional staff. This term does not include a private office of a physician, dentist, podiatrist, or other health professional whose patients are limited to those of the individual licensed professional maintaining and operating the office or the combined patients of individually licensed professionals practicing together in a legally constituted professional corporation, association, or partnership, and sharing office space. The private office is maintained and operated by the licensed health professional(s) in accordance with usual practice patterns according to the type of practice and patient encounters in the office are for diagnosis and treatment and are not limited primarily to the performance of surgical procedures and related care.
Freestanding surgical outpatient facility means a facility licensed under part 208 of the public health
Freestanding surgical outpatient facility or "facility" means a facility as defined in section 20104(5) of the code, MCL 333.20104(5), and includes, but is not limited to, a facility that includes a private practice office that performs 120 or more surgical abortions per year and that publicly advertises outpatient abortion services. Characteristics of a freestanding surgical outpatient facility include, but not limited to, patient encounters with a physician, dentist, podiatrist, or other provider primarily for the purpose of performing surgical procedures or related diagnosis, consultation, observation, and postoperative care, and the owner or operator makes the facility available to other physicians, dentists, podiatrists, or providers who comprise its professional staff.
Freestanding surgical outpatient facility means a facility, other than the office of a physician, dentist, podiatrist, or other private practice office, offering a surgical procedure and related care that in the opinion of
Freestanding surgical outpatient facility or "FSOF" means a health facility licensed under Part 208 of the Code. It does not include a surgical outpatient facility owned and operated as a part of a licensed hospital site. A freestanding surgical outpatient facility is a health facility for purposes of Part 222 of the Code.
Freestanding surgical outpatient facility means a facility, other than the office of a physician, dentist, podiatrist, or other private practice office, offering a surgical procedure and related care that in the opinion of the attending physician can be safely performed without requiring overnight inpatient hospital care.