Diagnosis and Treatment Sample Clauses

Diagnosis and Treatment. All Health Care Services rendered by Participating Physicians and other participating Health Professionals are covered when Medically Necessary and when provided at Medical Offices, including surgical procedures, routine hearing examinations, and vision examinations for glasses for children through the end of the month in which they turn 19 (such examinations may be provided by optometrists licensed pursuant to Chapter 463, Florida Statutes, or by ophthalmologists licensed pursuant to Chapter 458 or 459, Florida Statutes), and consultation and treatment by participating Specialty Physicians. Also included are non- reusable materials and surgical supplies.
Diagnosis and Treatment. If a suspected problem is detected by a screening examination as described above, the member will be evaluated as necessary for further diagnosis. This diagnosis is used to determine treatment needs. EPSDT requires coverage for all follow-up diagnostic and treatment services deemed Medically Necessary to ameliorate or correct a problem discovered during an EPSDT screen. Such Medically Necessary diagnosis and treatment services must be provided regardless of whether such services are covered by the State Medicaid Plan, as long as they are Medicaid-covered services as defined in the Social Security Act. The Contractor will assure that all Medically Necessary, Medicaid-covered diagnosis and treatment services are provided, either directly or by referral. However, if the services are neither covered by the State Medicaid Plan nor included in the comprehensive benefit package, the Contractor may bill Medicaid fee-for-service for these services if provided by the Contractor. Such services are outlined in ATTACHMENT B of this Agreement.
Diagnosis and Treatment. Group shall have sole responsibility for all medical and dental history evaluation, examination and diagnostic procedures appropriate for complete diagnosis, and for all treatment of patients.
Diagnosis and Treatment. All Health Care Services rendered by in-network Physicians and other in-network Health Professionals are covered when Medically Necessary and when provided at Medical Offices, including surgical procedures, routine hearing examinations, and vision examinations for glasses for children through the end of the month in which they turn 19 (such examinations may be provided by optometrists licensed pursuant to Chapter 463, Florida Statutes, or by ophthalmologists licensed pursuant to Chapter 458 or 459, Florida Statutes), and consultation and treatment by participating Specialty Physicians. Also included are non- reusable materials and surgical supplies.
Diagnosis and Treatment. If a suspected problem is detected by a screening examination as described above, the child and/or young adults shall be evaluated as necessary for further diagnosis. This diagnosis is used to determine the treatment needs of the enrollee. EPSDT requires coverage for all follow up diagnostic and treatment services deemed Medically Necessary to ameliorate or correct a problem discovered during an EPSDT screen. Such Medically Necessary diagnosis and treatment services must be provided regardless of whether such services are covered by the State Medicaid Plan, if they are Medicaid-covered services as defined in the Social Security Act. Contractor shall assure that all Medically Necessary, Medicaid-covered diagnosis and treatment services are provided, either directly or by referral. However, if the services are neither covered by the State Medicaid Plan nor included in the comprehensive benefit package, Contractor may bill the State fee-for-service for these services if provided by Contractor. Such services are outlined in Attachment B of this Agreement.
Diagnosis and Treatment. All Health Care Services rendered by Participating Physicians and other participating Health Professionals are covered when Medically Necessary and when provided at Medical Offices, including surgical procedures, routine hearing examinations and vision examinations for glasses for children through the end of the month in which they turn 19 (such examinations may be provided by optometrists licensed pursuant to Chapter 463, Florida Statutes, or by ophthalmologists licensed pursuant to Chapter 458 or 459, Florida Statutes), and consultation and treatment by participating Specialty Physicians. Also included are non-reusable materials and surgical supplies. Such services, materials and supplies are subject to the Limitations outlined in Part X. LIMITATIONS OF COVERED SERVICES and Exclusions as outlined in Part XI. EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERED SERVICES.
Diagnosis and Treatment. The AIM Platform is an analytical tool designed to utilize near real-time and historical laboratory data to aggregate information to customers in order to assist identification of certain risks in patient populations. The AIM Platform does not make clinical, medical, or other professional decisions, and are not substitutes for Customer’s personnel applying professional judgment and analysis. Customer is solely responsible for: (i) verifying the accuracy of all information and reports provided by Customer and utilized for the AIM Platform; (ii) obtaining necessary consents for use and disclosure of patient information; (iii) determining data necessary for decision-making by Customer and its personnel; (iv) making all diagnoses and treatments and determining compliance, and complying, with all Applicable Laws and licensing requirements for the operation of Customer’s business; and (v) assuring its providers have the necessary professional licenses and are properly credentialed pursuant to Applicable Laws (as defined below) to perform their services.
Diagnosis and Treatment. Patients must have active residual or recurrent intraocular retinoblastoma in one eye following completion of first-line therapy (chemotherapy, systemic or intra-arterial, or brachytherapy).
Diagnosis and Treatment. The efficacy of recombinant human insulin-like growth factor (rhIGF1) and the dramatic impact of leptin in appropriately selected patients have been demonstrated in small clinical trials summarised in the above references. Leptin therapy: Experience in 35 patients treated for 1-8 yrs suggested that triglyceride levels fell from a mean of 10.2 to 4.2 mmol/L (59% reduction) and haemoglobin A1C (HBA1c) decreased from a mean of 8.4% to 6.9%. The latter effect comfortably exceeds the goal of a 1% reduction in HBA1c for novel treatments for type 2 diabetes and is expected to significantly delay micro- and macrovascular complications, although long-term trial evidence documenting these benefits is yet to be accumulated. The magnitude of the changes observed in glycaemic control and dyslipidaemia are expected to result in substantial reductions in macrovascular complications of diabetes (based on United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) data)(8). For example, a fall of HbA1c of 1.5% (the mean in the above study) would translate to a >10% reduction in major macro- or microvascular events (8). Patients with lipodystrophy also tend to develop proteinuria and this was also significantly reduced by leptin therapy (9). Leptin therapy also reduces admissions for serious acute complications such as pancreatitis which costs on average £2000 per admissionprior to commencing leptin therapy, 5/10 local patients experienced recurrent pancreatitis whereas since starting leptin in 2007/8 none of the 10 patients has had an episode of pancreatitis whilst on leptin. Local experience with leptin: Ten patients are currently using leptin therapy in England. All of these were commenced on therapy as adults due to the fact that leptin only recently (2008) became available to these patients in England. The absolute mean ± SD changes (all decreases i.e. improvements) in triglyceride (TG) levels, liver fat (LF) levels and HBA1c are as follows: • TG – 1.2 ± 1.3 mmol/L; • LF – 25 ± 29 %; 1.1 ± 1.6 %. These are in line with published data.
Diagnosis and Treatment. The re-examination of sick children by the IMCI instructor to determine the correct IMCI- guided diagnosis was an objective of the study. However, re-examination could not be performed for multiple reasons (see limitations). Because assessment for the correct diagnosis was not completed, further assessment for the correct treatment could not be done. The objective of the examination was to identify strengths and weaknesses in diagnosis, classification and treatment of pneumonia, malaria and diarrheal diseases among the health care workers and to ultimately provide a means of dialogue to introduce and discuss the IMCI guidelines. A 25-question, paper examination was administered to seven head nurses and eight nurse aids from the seven health facilities (Appendix F). The questions were taken from the WHO IMCI question bank of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on the standard IMCI guidelines (WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, IMCI Pre-Service Education, 2010). The examination was developed in French and provided to the medical director for input and approval before distribution. The examination was completed by the health workers at their respective health facilities at the end of each assessment day. Examinations were anonymous and each examinee was given a local soda product for their participation in the examination. At the end of the study period, all seven head nurses traveled to the Kolofata referral hospital for the examination review. The review allowed for self-evaluation of knowledge prior to IMCI instruction and created an environment for discussion of IMCI guidelines and why answers were either right or wrong. This next section reviews some of the answers that were provided by the test takers and the group discussions that took place concerning the examination.