Fully Registered Bond definition
Examples of Fully Registered Bond in a sentence
Parties 1 Recitals 1 Previous Indentures 1 Identity of the Company 9 Identity of Trustee 10 Outstanding Bonds 10 Form of Fully Registered Bond of 2023 Series 11 Form of Fully Registered Bond of 2028 Series 15 Form of Trustee's Certificate of Authentication 19 Compliance with legal requirements 19 Granting Clause 19 Exception Clause 20 Habendum Clause 21 Exceptions, Reservations, etc.
If less than $2,402,000 is advanced on the Series 2021 Bonds such that the Total Principal Sum is less than $2,402,000, the repayment period shall be shortened and the number of monthly principal and interest installments shall be reduced to correspond to the Total Principal Sum of the Series 2021 Bonds as evidenced on the Certificate of Dates of Payment and Amount on the Fully Registered Bond representing the Series 2021 Bonds.
USDA has requested, and the Issuer has agreed, that the obligation of the Issuer thereunder shall be represented in the form of a single, fully registered, negotiable revenue bond, without coupons, that the registered owner thereof shall have the right to convert the said Fully Registered Bond to Serial Bonds in registered form, at his own expense.
Each advance made by USDA on the Fully Registered Bond shall constitute proceeds of the Fully Registered Bond and shall be deemed to constitute the full purchase price and Total Principal Sum of the Fully Registered Bond noted on the Certificate of Dates of Payment and Amount appearing on the Fully Registered Bond.
The Bonds shall be in substantially the following form, with such omissions, insertions and variations as may be necessary and desirable and authorized or permitted in this Bond Ordinance or in any supplemental Ordinance of the City Commission enacted prior to the issuance thereof: [Remainder of page intentionally left blank] [Form of Fully Registered Bond] NO.
Because Canadian mortgages must usually be fully insured by banks and homeowners, securitized mortgages and individual mortgages are usually assigned the same risk-weighted rate in regulatory capital rules.
The source/sink term in this equation involves the sum of the linearly-independent and -dependent reaction rates multiplied by the same stoichiometric coefficients νjm corresponding to the original form kmjmof the mth mineral reaction, and does not involve the coefficients cτor ντ.
The Series 2021 Bonds are issued under the provisions of the Utah Local Government Bonding Act, Title 11, Chapter 14, Utah Code Annotated 1953, as amended, and the Fully Registered Bond and each of any Serial Bonds issued as hereinafter prescribed shall contain a recital that they are issued under the authority of said Act, and the recitals to such effect contained in the bond forms set forth in Exhibits “B” and “C” hereof are hereby approved.