Functional capacity means the number of students that can be
Functional capacity means the number of students that can be housed in a building in order to have sufficient space for it to be educationally adequate for the delivery of programs and services necessary for student achievement of the core curriculum content standards. Functional capacity is determined by dividing the existing gross square footage of a school building by the minimum area allowance per FTE student pursuant to subsection b. of section 8 of P.L.2000, c.72 (C.18A:7G-8) for the grade level students contained therein. The difference between the projected enrollment determined pursuant to subsection a. of section 8 of P.L.2000, c.72 (C.18A:7G-8) and the functional capacity is the unhoused students that are the basis upon which the additional costs of space to provide educationally adequate facilities for the entire projected enrollment are determined. The existing gross square footage for the purposes of defining functional capacity is exclusive of existing spaces that are not contained in the facilities efficiency standards but which are used to deliver programs and services aligned to the core curriculum content standards, used to provide support services directly to students, or other existing spaces that the district can demonstrate would be structurally or fiscally impractical to convert to other uses contained in the facilities efficiency standards;
Functional capacity means the ability to perform in the following areas:
Examples of Functional capacity in a sentence
Functional capacity evaluation performance does not predict sustained return to work in claimants with chronic back pain.
Functional capacity areas are; mobility, work tolerance, communication, self–care, interpersonal skills, cognition and learning (self– direction), or work skills.
These Insurance Schemes are offered to schools on an annual basis in the Spring Term prior to the commencement of the financial year.
TIW hologram theory also implies that the entire structure (system) of intensity waves moves at a speed proportional to the frequency difference of interfering waves.
Functional capacity evaluation: rational, procedure, utility of the kinesiophysical approach.
More Definitions of Functional capacity
Functional capacity means the skill to perform activi- ties in an acceptable manner.
Functional capacity means the capacity of the DLMCJC for housing inmates, taking into account limitations imposed by the offender age, gender and classification and by the physical maintenance of the Detention System.
Functional capacity means the number of students that can be housed in a building to provide sufficient space for the building to be educationally adequate for the delivery of programs and services necessary for student achievement of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards.
Functional capacity means the number of students that can be housed in a building in order to have sufficient space for it to be educationally adequate for the delivery of programs and services necessary for student achievement of the core curriculum content standards. Functional capacity is determined by dividing the existing gross square footage of a school building by the minimum area allowance per FTE student pursuant to subsection b. of section
Functional capacity means the number of students that can be housed in a building in order
Functional capacity means the number of students that can be housed in a building in order to have sufficient space for the building to be educationally adequate for the delivery of programs and services necessary for student achievement. Functional capacity is determined by dividing the adjusted gross square footage of a school facility by the minimum area allowance per full time equivalent student for the students contained therein.
Functional capacity means the degree of independence that an individual has in performing ADLs, ambulation, and instrumental ADLs as measured on the UAI and as used as a basis for differentiating levels of long-term care services.