Fund Affiliates definition
Examples of Fund Affiliates in a sentence
In addition, every Access Person shall comply strictly with all procedures established by the Funds or Fund Affiliates to ensure compliance with such laws and regulations.
Transactions under any incentive plan sponsored by the Fund Affiliates or their affiliates are exempt from this restriction.
This Code defines directors, officers and employees of the Funds and Fund Affiliates into several categories, and imposes varying requirements by category appropriate to the sensitivity of the positions included in the category.
This Code defines directors, officers and Employees of the ING Funds and Fund Affiliates into several categories, and imposes varying requirements by category appropriate to the sensitivity of the positions included in the category.
While it is not possible to define and prescribe all-inclusive rules addressing all possible situations in which conflicts may arise, this Code sets forth the policies of the ING Funds and Fund Affiliates regarding conduct in those situations in which conflicts are most likely to develop.