Examples of Funding Availability in a sentence
HUD has determined that the change is necessary to better serve eligible persons within the geographic area and to ensure that the priorities established under the Notice of Funding Availability in which the grant was originally awarded, or the most recent NOFA, are met.
Projects may not exceed twelve (12) months, unless explicitly stated in the NOFA, or commence before the Notice of Funding Availability defined start date.
As a result, PHAs can serve both PH residents and HCV participants, including PBV participants, with FSS funding awarded under the FY 2014 FSS Notice of Funding Availability (FSS NOFA) and any other NOFA under which the combination of funds remains in the applicable appropriations act.
The Governor's Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services may conduct a three-tier review, to include internal staff and external independent reviewers, of each application submitted in accordance with this Notice of Funding Availability.
Start and end date are determined by the parameters of the Notice of Funding Availability and are filled in automatically.
Executive Summary PLEASE READ: Before proceeding with the application, please CLICK HERE to review the Notice of Funding Availability and additional application information.
The full title of the General Section is the General Section to HUD's Fiscal Year 2017 Notices of Funding Availability for Discretionary Programs.
The full title of the General Section is the General Section to HUD's Fiscal Year 2016 Notice[s] of Funding Availability for Discretionary Programs.
The last day to request a User ID is specified within each Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA).
Public input was solicited through the local newspaper in the advertising of the Local Housing Assistance Plan and the Notice of Funding Availability.