Examples of Funding Principles in a sentence
The investment strategy will be set with consideration of the appropriate level of risk required for the funding strategy as set out in the Scheme’s Statement of Funding Principles.
As required by legislation and the Fund’s governing documents, the assumptions that the Actuary needed to make regarding such matters as future investment returns and members’ longevity were agreed between the Trustee and TfL and are recorded in formal documents called Statements of Funding Principles.
The investment strategy will be set with consideration of the appropriate level of risk required for the funding strategy as set out in the Plan’s Statement of Funding Principles.
General Funding Principles The EPA Research Programme provides funding to Grantees on a not-for-profit basis (i.e. on a cost reimbursement basis only) the purpose of which is to generate knowledge for public good.
For more, see Jesper Steffensen, Fiscal Decentralization and Sector Funding Principles and Practices (DANIDA, November 2010), 3.
More detail is set out in the Statement of Funding Principles (uss.co.uk/about-us/valuation-and-funding/statement-of-funding-principles).
These Funding Principles are to be applied by accreditation authorities, National Boards and AHPRA when they are considering and agreeing on the funding to be provided to the accreditation authority by the National Board/AHPRA for performance of the accreditation functions.
A proportionate share of the reserve prescribed under the Statement of Funding Principles (in respect of the March 31, 2018 valuation), relating to the potential requirement to equalize some of the Transferred Liabilities for the effect of guaranteed minimum pensions.
The Trustees may also reconsider the asset allocation and the investment strategy outside the triennial valuation period where necessary.The Trustees consider the Scheme’s current strategic asset allocation to be consistent with the current financial position of the Scheme and with the current Statement of Funding Principles.
The investment strategy will be set with consideration to the appropriate level of risk required for the funding strategy as set out in the Scheme’s Statement of Funding Principles.