Funding Target definition
Examples of Funding Target in a sentence
See “How to Determine Unfunded Vested Benefits” section for additional information related to the election and use of the Alternative Premium Funding Target.
Solvency Funding Target: an assessment of the present value of benefits to be paid in the future.
The Fund is deemed to be fully funded when the assets held are equal to 100% of the Funding Target, where the funding target is assessed based on the sum of the appropriate funding targets across all the employers / groups of employers.
Without these, forcing students into STEM subjects is likely to have very mixed results.The STEM Partnerships Forum is encouraged to consult the Australian Council of Engineering Deans (ACED) on the matter of university prerequisites.
Similarly, if you revoke an election, you may not make a new election to use the Alternative Premium Funding Target until five years have passed.If you are not sure if an election is in effect or when an election first took effect, you can find out by viewing your account history in My PAA, by clicking the “Account History” link from the Plan Details page.See “How to Determine Unfunded Vested Benefits” section for more information on elections and revocations.
The Recovery Period to an employer or group of employers is therefore the period over which any adjustment to the level of contributions in respect of a surplus or deficiency relative to the Funding Target used in the valuation is payable.
As such the Funding Target adopted is in line with that adopted for Secure Scheduled Bodies.
For orphan liabilities the Funding Target on exit will anticipate investment in low risk investments such as Government bonds.
Where a valuation reveals that the employer or employer group’s sub-fund is in surplus or deficiency against the Funding Target, employers' contribution rates will be adjusted to target restoration of full funding over a period of years (the Recovery Period).
The Administering Authority’s policy will be to monitor an underlying low risk position (making no allowance for returns in excess of those available on Government stocks) to ensure that the Funding Target remains realistic.