Furnished Accommodation definition
Examples of Furnished Accommodation in a sentence
In addition to the salary as above, he will also be entitled to the following perquisites: Fully Furnished Accommodation, Leave Travel Concession, Medical Reimbursement, Club Fees, Personal Accident Insurance, Key man insurance, Car with Driver, Telephone at Residence, Mobile, internet etc.
In addition to the above: CATEGORY “A”Housing: Residential Furnished Accommodation (Company Leased) or in lieu thereof House Rent Allowance at the rate of 50% of the salary.Gas, Electricity, Water and Furnishings: The expenditure incurred by the Company on Gas, Electricity, Water and Furnishings shall be valued as per the Income Tax Rules, 1962.
Hotel and Restaurant Services (CPC 64110) covering only: (i) Hotel Lodging Services (CPC 64110) (ii) Holiday Centre and Holiday Home Services (CPC 64192) (iii) Letting Services of Furnished Accommodation (CPC 64193) Covering the management and operation of hotels or resorts including, outlet which may not necessarily include ownership of such properties.
Please note that the Furnished Accommodation team are not responsible for the maintenance or repair of any items delivered on behalf of the Local Assistance Scheme.
The sets ZE, ED, ZU and UD can be computed in time quadratic in the size of the underlying graph of M.
The AMRs will immediately be held in higher regard as they already have the support of someone the laggards hold in high regard.
The Company will provide Rent Free Furnished Accommodation with the monthly rentals for premises not exceeding ` 2,50,000/- per month to each of the Whole-time Director.
The Company will provide Rent Free Furnished Accommodation with monthly rentals for premises not exceedingR 2,75,000/-.
Details of remuneration paid to Managing Director during 2013-14: ParticularsAmount (In `)Furnished Accommodation and Electricity1,97,585.00Tax on Perquisites45,565.00Total2,43,150.00 Non Executive Directors: NameRelationship with other DirectorsBusiness relationship with the Company,if anySitting Fees paid @ `.5000/- per meeting (in `.)For Board MeetingsFor Committee MeetingsTotalShri D J Pandian, IAS*NoNo35000/-5000/-40000/-Prof.
In addition to the above, he shall be entitled to the following perquisites:CATEGORY “A”Housing: Residential Furnished Accommodation (Company Leased) or in lieu thereof House Rent Allowance at the rate of 50% of the salary.Gas, Electricity, Water and Furnishings: The expenditure incurred by the Company on Gas, Electricity, Water and Furnishings shall be valued as per the Income Tax Rules, 1962.