Examples of Future medical care in a sentence
Future medical care and equipment will average at least $3,000.00 to $4,000.00 per year.
On the date and time indicated in the ‘Critical Date Sheet” of Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) bids will be opened at Divisional Forest Officer, Brahmapur Forest Division in the presence of the bidders or their representatives duly authorized by the bidder who wish to be present.
Future medical care must flow from the accident, via evidence of a medical causal relationship between the condition and the compensable injury, if the employer is to be held responsible.
Future medical care cost increase rates are unpredictable and could be volatile.
Future medical care to cure or relieve the effects of her industrial injuries.
COMPENSATION PAYABLE Future medical care: See Findings of Fact and Rulings of Law.
The issues for determination are (1) Future medical care, (2) Temporary Disability, (3) Permanent disability, and (4) Liability of the Second Injury Fund.
Applicant attorney fees are$414.00;B] Future medical care reasonably required to cure or relieve applicant from the effects of the industrial injury.
Future medical care should include short course of conservative medical care, such as chiropractic or physical therapy.
Future medical care, including psychological treatment and surgery, is not likely related to the work injury.