Examples of Gateway to Work in a sentence
In accordance with the MCE Policy and Procedure manual, each calendar year the Contractor shall review Gateway to Work compliance for each member required to participate in the program based upon the referral status provided by the State.
The POWER Account Statement shall include the member’s Gateway to Work status in a format prescribed in the MCE Policy and Procedure manual.
Beginning in calendar year 2019, the State and Contractor will begin phasing in the HIP Gateway to Work (GTW) program, which is a community engagement program that seeks to improve HIP members’ physical and mental health, overall financial stability, and well-being.
To increase participation and help HIP meet its goal of increasing employment among HIP members, Indiana seeks to require member participation in Gateway to Work as a condition of eligibility for non-disabled working age members.
The current HIP Gateway to Work initiative is a voluntary program that connects HIP members to available job training and employment services on a voluntary basis.
After the referral is made via Gateway to Work, member participation in the available employment and training programs is voluntary.
Gateway to Work was launched in 2015 to promote the connection between employment and health by integrating the State’s various work training and job search programs with HIP.
Rose has received a notice indicating that he would be required to participate in Gateway to Work to keep his Medicaid.
To the extent necessary to enable the State to require all able-bodied HIP participants, as a condition of eligibility, to: (1) work at least 20 hours per week over eight (8) months of an eligibility cycle; (2) be enrolled in full-time or part-time education, or (3) participate in the Gateway to Work initiative.
More information about Gateway to Work may be found at www.in.gov/fssa/hip/2466.htm.