GE Provided R&D Services Foreground IP definition

GE Provided R&D Services Foreground IP means all Intellectual Property and Technology created in the course of performance of GE Provided R&D Services, including that which is reflected in all research records, laboratory notebooks, technical reports, experimental results.

Related to GE Provided R&D Services Foreground IP

  • Foreground IP means all intellectual property and Intellectual Property Rights generated under these Terms; and

  • Background IP means all IP and IP Rights owned or controlled by Seller prior to the effective date or outside the scope of this Contract.

  • Foreground IPR means any IPRs that are generated as a result of the activities conducted within the framework of the Project concerned as specified in the corresponding Project Agreement;

  • Background Technology means all Software, data, know-how, ideas, methodologies, specifications, and other technology in which Contractor owns such Intellectual Property Rights as are necessary for Contractor to grant the rights and licenses set forth in Section 14.1, and for the State (including its licensees, successors and assigns) to exercise such rights and licenses, without violating any right of any Third Party or any Law or incurring any payment obligation to any Third Party. Background Technology must: (a) be identified as Background Technology in the Statement of Work; and (b) have been developed or otherwise acquired by Contractor prior to the date of the Statement of Work, or have been developed by Contractor outside of its performance under the Statement of Work. Background Technology will also include any general consulting tool or methodology created by Contractor, which will not be required to be identified in the Statement of Work.

  • Licensee Technology means the Licensee Know-How and Licensee Patents.

  • Third Party Components means software and interfaces, licensed by RIM from a third party for incorporation into a RIM software product, or for incorporation into firmware in the case of RIM hardware products, and distributed as an integral part of that RIM product under a RIM brand, but shall not include Third Party Software.

  • Collaboration IP means Collaboration Know-How and Collaboration Patents.

  • Background IPR means any Intellectual Property Rights (other than Project IPR) belonging to either party before the Commencement Date or not created in the course of or in connection with the Project;

  • SAP Technology Solution(s means SAP NetWeaver Foundation for Third Party Applications, SAP Business Technology Platform (excluding when used solely as a Connectivity App between an SAP Application and ERP), SAP Signavio Solutions and SAP Process Insights (including any renamed, prior and/or successor versions of any of the foregoing made generally available by SAP if any but excluding when any of the foregoing are used as a User Interface for ERP.

  • Manufacturing Technology means any and all patents, patent applications, Know-How, and all intellectual property rights associated therewith, and including all tangible embodiments thereof, that are necessary or useful for the manufacture of adeno- associated viruses, adeno-associated virus vectors, research or commercial reagents related thereto, Licensed Products, or other products, including manufacturing processes, technical information relating to the methods of manufacture, protocols, standard operating procedures, batch records, assays, formulations, quality control data, specifications, scale up, any and all improvements, modifications, and changes thereto, and any and all activities associated with such manufacture. Any and all chemistry, manufacturing, and controls (CMC), drug master files (DMFs), or similar materials provided to regulatory authorities and the information contained therein are deemed Manufacturing Technology.

  • Customer Technology means Customer's proprietary technology, including Customer's Internet operations design, content, software tools, hardware designs, algorithms, software (in source and object forms), user interface designs, architecture, class libraries, objects and documentation (both printed and electronic), know-how, trade secrets and any related intellectual property rights throughout the world (whether owned by Customer or licensed to Customer from a third party) and also including any derivatives, improvements, enhancements or extensions of Customer Technology conceived, reduced to practice, or developed during the term of this Agreement by Customer.

  • Product Technology means the Product Know-How and Product Patents.

  • End User License Agreement means a license grant or end user license agreement governing software as further described in this Agreement or any applicable Appendix.

  • Licensor Technology means the Licensor Patents, the Licensor Know-How, Licensor Materials, Product IP, and Licensor’s rights in the Program IP and Joint Patents.

  • Developed Technology means any Technology including, without limitation, any enhancements, substitutions or improvements to the Core Technology that is (a) discovered, developed or otherwise acquired by DURA pursuant to the terms of the Development Agreement or (b) otherwise acquired by or on behalf of Xxxxxx Corp. II during the term of the Development Agreement.

  • Software License Agreement means the particular Software License Agreement to which these Terms and Conditions are attached and incorporated into by reference.

  • Licensed Technology means the Licensed Know-How and Licensed Patents.

  • Development Tools means the development kits, programming tools, emulators and other materials that may be used in the development of Games under this Agreement.

  • Research Program Term has the meaning set forth in Section 2.2.

  • Development Tool Kit means a DS Offering specifically designed for application or content development. A Development Tool Kit is either identified (i) with “CAA” or “ENOVIA Studio” in the DS Offering name, or (ii) in the Transaction Document and/or the Product Portfolio. Extended Enterprise User means an employee of Customer’s affiliate(s), supplier(s) and/or customer(s) authorized to use Customer’s DS Offering for the sole and exclusive purpose of enabling the Extended Enterprise User(s) to conduct business with Customer. The use of the DS Offering by any such Extended Enterprise User(s) (1) shall be solely limited to use (a) as configured and deployed by Customer and (b) in connection with the Extended Enterprise User’s performance of services for and on behalf of Customer, and (2) shall exclude any use by Extended Enterprise User (a) for its own account or a third party’s account, or (b) for the purpose of modifying, otherwise using, maintaining or hosting the DS Offering. Extended Enterprise Users are authorized if so specified in the Product Portfolio.

  • Program Technology means Program Know-How and Program Patents.

  • Project IP means any Intellectual Property created, invented or discovered in carrying out the Project including in respect of the Project Results but does not include Background IP or copyright in a Student’s thesis or other material produced by him/her for the purpose of assessment towards his/her degree.

  • Program Patent Rights means all Patent Rights that claim or cover patentable Program Know-How, including any Program-Specific Patent Rights.

  • Developed IP means any Intellectual Property Rights that are conceived or reduced to practice, or otherwise created or developed, by or on behalf of a Party, its Affiliates or sublicensees, alone or together with one or more Third Parties, during the Term in connection with the Development, Manufacture, or use of the Compound or any Product.

  • Developed Software means software specifically designed for the Principal under the Contract. Depending how advanced its development is, it may be either a Product or a Service or both.

  • Collaboration Technology means all Collaboration Patents and Collaboration Know-How.