Examples of Global Sourcing in a sentence
The team of subject matter experts is responsible for implementing our conflict minerals compliance policy and is led by our Global Sourcing Director who acts as the conflict minerals program manager.
The Raufoss Global Sourcing Process is the first step in building a strong relationship between Raufoss and our business partners.
Suppler ApprovalIn order to receive a production purchase order, a supplier must be approved per JCI Global Sourcing procedures.
Goods ordered by GE Global Sourcing, LLC and shipped to the U.S. from outside the U.S. via ocean transport shall have title pass to GE Global Sourcing, LLC immediately prior such goods entering the territorial land, sea or overlying airspace of the U.S. For this purpose, Buyer and Seller acknowledge that the territorial seas of the U.S. extend to twelve (12) nautical miles from the baseline of the country determined in accordance with the 1982 United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea.
Upon notification, the HFT Global Sourcing team will advise the QA and Compliance teams, and vendors may be asked to provide supplemental information and/or documentation to HFT while an investigation is conducted.
During this notice period, if requested by Supplier, Applied will discuss the scope and purpose of the audit with Supplier, and will escalate that discussion as appropriate within Applied’s Global Sourcing Organization (GSO) or its successor organization.
The HFT Compliance and Global Sourcing teams will advise vendors at the start of product development if there are any special requirements related to Prop 65 compliance for their product.
Potential vendors need to fill out our “Vendor Initial Audit Report” sent by HFT Global Sourcing during initial discussions.
With respect to any UAW Keep Business or any IUE-CWA Business, provided that GM has the right under this Agreement and the Labor MOUs to engage in Global Sourcing with respect to any such Business and elects to do so, Delphi shall have a Right of Last Refusal (ROLR) until August 31, 2012 to be exercised as set forth in Exhibit 3.14 hereto.
Schwarz currently is a Visiting Professor at the ESSCA School of Management in Shanghai where he has taught courses in Chinese Legal Environment, Consumer Behavior in the Asian Market, and Global Sourcing and Corporate Strategy to masters-level students mostly from Europe.