Examples of Government Contact in a sentence
For more information, Proponents may contact the Government Contact.
If a Proponent is in doubt as to whether a proposed subcontractor gives rise to a conflict of interest, the Proponent should consult with the Government Contact Person listed on page 1 prior to submitting a proposal.Where applicable, the names of approved sub-contractors listed in the proposal will be included in the Contract.
If a Proponent is in doubt as to whether there might be a conflict of interest, the Proponent should consult with the Government Contact prior to submitting a proposal.
Upon request and when CenturyLink is technically able to provide and bill the service, CenturyLink will update the database to provide OLNS, which indicates to an operator the acceptable billing methods for calls originating from the calling number (e.g., penal institutions, COCOTS).82.5 Timing of Messages.
Enquiries related to this RFP, including any requests for information or clarification may only be directed in writing to the following Government Contact who will respond if time permits before the Closing Time.
First, the Bank’s assessment of institutional capacity of the EPF and other stakeholders (potential sub-grantees) was overly optimistic.
Aldrich, Ph.D.Type of organization: Unit of State Government Contact Name: Michelle D.
For more information regarding this Program, refer to the Government Contact Person on page one.
ThompsonType of organization: Unit of Local Government Contact Name:Phone: 3078776251Email: DFSadvisorycouncil@wyo.gov Michelle D.
IV.5 Policy Advisory Council MembersCheck if an existing state council or commision serves in this category and add name below BJ AyersType of organization: Nonprofit (not a financial institution) Contact Name:Phone: 3076322180Email: DFSadvisorycouncil@wyo.gov Cathy ConnollyType of organization: Unit of State Government Contact Name:Phone: 3073990482Email: Cathy.Connolly@wyoleg.gov Fred A.