Examples of Government publication in a sentence
If the Contribution was not prepared as part of the employee's duties or is not an official U.S. Government publication, it is not a U.S. Government work.
An official U.S. Government publication issued under the Federal Register Act of July 26, 1935, as amended (44 U.S.C. 301 et seq.).
Each reference is identified in the text by the designated Government publication number or performing agency.
Council notes the recent Government publication ‘A Green Future: Our 25 Year Plan to Improve the Environment’ which intends to make 2019 a Year of Action for the environment.
Although the headline figures won’t match, the Scottish Government publication will include a section based on the SDS methodology.
If the Contribution was not prepared as part of the employee’s duties or is not an official U.S. Government publication, it is not a U.S. Government work.
Support <<Not applicable (Sponsorship Fee only).>> OR Option 2: In-Kind Support <<Insert>> In-Kind Support will be provided where the State provides goods or services in return for the Sponsorship Entitlements or a portion of the Sponsorship Entitlements, such as advertising space in a Government publication or free bus travel for Initiative attendees.
The Public Printer shall sell, under regula- tions of the Joint Committee on Printing to per- sons who may apply, additional or duplicate stereotype or electrotype plates from which a Government publication is printed, at a price not to exceed the cost of composition, the metal, and making to the Government, plus 10 per centum, and the full amount of the price shall be paid when the order is filed.(Pub.
This is explained in the Welsh Government publication (2014) Practice Guidance: Planning for Sustainable Buildings.
For a pdf version of, for example, a Government publication or similar which is freely available: The required elements for a reference are:Authorship, Year.