GRANTEE RESPONSIBILITIES Grantee shall: A. Make strategic investments to support hiring, retaining, and training the public health workforce and strengthen public health infrastructure and systems related to the workforce and foundational capabilities in alignment with the Strengthening U.S. Public Health Infrastructure, Workforce, and Data Systems (Funding Opportunity Number CDC RFA OE22-2203) program from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). B. Complete all activities required and allowable under this Contract by November 30, 2027 and complete all reports by the due dates listed in Article III. C. Perform required activities intended to help meet critical infrastructure needs and make possible strategic investments that will have lasting effects on public health agencies. Recipients should prioritize recruiting and hiring staff who are from the communities and populations served. Required activities include: 1. Recruit and hire new public health personnel (professional, clinical, disease investigation, program and/or administrative); expand recruitment efforts; create new positions; improve hiring incentives; and create new hiring mechanisms. Personnel may be permanent full or part-time staff, temporary or term-limited staff, fellows, interns and/or contracted employees. 2. Retain public health staff, strengthen retention incentives, and create promotional opportunities (e.g., career ladders, succession planning). 3. Support and sustain the public health workforce and strengthen workplace well-being programs and expand engagement with the workforce to address their mental, emotional, and physical well-being. 4. Train new and existing public health infrastructure grant staff and improve the quality and scope of training and professional development opportunities for staff. 5. Strengthen workforce planning, systems, processes, and policies; maintain and upgrade human resource systems; identify ways to better collect and use workforce data; and identify policies that could facilitate more efficient and effective workplace development and management. 6. Strengthen support for implementation of this grant. D. Agree that funds cannot be used for research, medical or clinical supplies, fund-raising activities, construction or major renovations, to supplant existing state or federal funds for activities, to purchase vehicles of any kind (including mobile medical clinics), or to fund an award to another party or provider who is ineligible. Any furniture/cubicle or uniform/scrub purchases will require PRIOR approval by System Agency. Funds cannot be used for the preparation, distribution, or use of any material (publicity or propaganda) intended to influence the enactment or modification of any federal or state legislation or to pay the salary or expenses of grant recipients, contract recipients, or agents that aim to support or defeat the enactment of legislation, regulation, administrative action, or any executive order proposed or pending before a legislative body beyond normal, recognized executive relationships. E. Comply with all applicable regulations, standards, and guidelines in effect on the beginning date of this Contract and as may be amended throughout the Grant Agreement term. F. Maintain an inventory of equipment, supplies defined as controlled assets, and real property that were purchased with grant funds. Grantee shall submit an annual cumulative report of the equipment, controlled assets Property Inventory Report form to the assigned System Agency Contract Manager by email not later than October 15 of each year. Controlled assets include firearms, regardless of the acquisition cost, and the following assets with an acquisition cost of $500 or more, but less than $5,000: desktop and laptop computers (including notebooks, tablets and similar devices), non-portable printers and copiers, emergency management equipment, communication devices and systems, medical and laboratory equipment, and media equipment. Controlled assets are considered supplies. Equipment includes tangible nonexpendable personal property with an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more and a useful life of more than one year. G. For budget transfers, submit a revised Categorical Budget Form to the System Agency Contract Manager, highlighting the areas affected. Transferring funds between budget categories, other than the equipment and indirect cost categories, is allowable, but requires prior approval by System Agency and cannot exceed 25% of the total annual Contract value for each period ending on November 30. If the budget transfer(s) exceeds 25% of the total annual Contract value for a Contract period ending on November 30, alone or cumulatively, a Contract amendment is required. After review, the System Agency Contract Manager shall provide notification of acceptance or disallowance to Grantee via email. If approved, the revised budget shall be deemed incorporated into the Contract.