Categorical Budget. The approved fiscal year categorical budget for all awarded Program services is referenced in Attachment B-1, Approved Categorical Budget (August 2023). The budget will be reflected in CMBHS for each awarded Fiscal year unless modified during a BPA. Contract Number _H_H_S_0_0_0_1_3_0_50_0_0_0_5
Categorical Budget. The approved categorical budgets for each fiscal year of the Contract is documented below:
Categorical Budget. 1. Below is the approved Categorical Budget for fiscal years 2022 - 2024: PERSONNEL $400,278.00 FRINGE BENEFITS $152,102.00 TRAVEL $19,858.00 SUPPLIES $2,500.00 CONTRACTUAL $0.00 EQUIPMENT $0.00 OTHER $90,003.00 TOTAL DIRECT CHARGES $664,741.00 INDIRECT CHARGES $66,059.00 TOTAL CONTRACT VALUE $730,800.00 SYSTEM AGENCY SHARE $696,000.00 MATCH $34,800.00 ATTACHMENT E (REVISED SEPTEMBER 2021)
Categorical Budget. 1. Below is the approved Fiscal Year 2020 Categorical budget for the contract term September 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020, as follows:
2. Below is the approved Fiscal Year 2021 Categorical budget for the contract term October 1, 2020 through August 31, 2021, as follows:
Categorical Budget. The approved fiscal year categorical budget for all awarded Program services is referenced in Attachment B-1, Approved Categorical Budget (August 2023). The budget will be reflected in CMBHS for each awarded Fiscal year unless modified during a BPA. Budget Summary Organization Name: SPINDLETOP CENTER Contract Number: HHS000780500009 Community Health Workers, CHW Personnel $182,172.00 $0.00 $11,024.00 $193,196.00 Fringe Benefits $61,940.00 $0.00 $3,748.25 $65,688.25 Travel $6,865.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,865.00 Equipment $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Supplies $12,600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12,600.00 Contractual $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Other $31,878.00 $0.00 $0.00 $31,878.00 Total Direct Costs $295,455.00 $0.00 $14,772.25 $310,227.25 Indirect Costs $29,545.00 $0.00 $1,478.00 $31,023.00 Subcontracting Percentage: Contract Number _H_H_S_0_0_0_7_8_0_50_0_0_0_9
Categorical Budget. The approved categorical budgets for each fiscal year of the Contract is documented below: ATTACHMENT E (REVISED AUGUST 2021) ATTACHMENT E (REVISED AUGUST 2021)
3.01 Confidential System Information 6 Article IV - Miscellaneous Provisions 7 4.01 Minor Administrative Changes 7 4.02 Conflicts of Interest 7 4.03 Flow Down Provisions 8 4.04 Disaster Declarations 8 ARTICLE V - DSHSLegacy Provisions 9
Categorical Budget. The approved categorical budgets for each fiscal year of the Contract is documented below: Article I - Special Definitions 3 Article II - Grantees Personneland Subcontractors 4 Qualifications 4 2.02 Conduct and Removal 4 2.03 Contracts with Subcontractors 4 2.04 Status of Subcontractors 5 2.05 Incorporation of Terms in Subcontracts 5 2.06 Notice of Legal Matter or Litigation 6
Categorical Budget. The approved categorical budgets for each fiscal year of the Contract is documented below:
3.01 Confidential System Information 6 4.01 Minor Administrative Changes 7 4.02 Conflicts of Interest 7 4.03 Flow Down Provisions 8 4.04 Disaster Declarations 8 5.01 Notice of a Contract Action 9 5.02 Notice of IRS or TWC Insolvency 9 5.03 Notice of Criminal Activity and Disciplinary Actions 10 5.04 Child Abuse Reporting Requirement 10 5.05 Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation 10 5.06 Notification of Change of Contact Person or Key Personnel 10 5.07 Notification of Organization Change 11 5.08 Significant Incidents 11 5.09 Responsibilities and Restrictions Concerning Governing Body, Officers, and Employees 11 5.10 Direct Operations 12 5.11 Interim Extension Amendment 12 5.12 Medical Records Retention 12 5.13 Grantee's Certification of Meeting or Exceeding Tobacco-Free Workplace Policy Minimum Standards 13 5.14 Electronic and Information Resources Accessibility and Security Standards 13 5.15 Equipment, Supplies and Property 15 5.16 Clinical Management for Behavioral Health Services (CMBHS) System 22
a. Resources 22 b. Security Administrator and Authorized Users 22 c. Security Violations and Accounts Updates 23 d. Electronic Transfer of Information. 23 e. Access 23 f. Customer Support and Training 24 5.17 HIV/AIDS Model Workplace Guidelines 24 5.18 Medicaid Enrollment 24 5.19 Billing for Treatment and Payment Restrictions 24 5.20 Persons on Probation or Parole 24 5.21 Substance Abuse Block Grant (SABG) Requirements 25 5.22 Match and Program Income 25 5.23 Contract Reconciliation 26
1. If any provision contained in this HHSC Special Conditions is in conflict with, or inconsistent with the HHSC Uniform Terms and Conditions (UTC), the provision contained in the UTCs shall prevail. If any provision contained in this HHSC Special Conditions is in conflict with, or inconsistent with the Substance Use Disorder Utilization Management Guidelines (UM), the provision contained in the UM shall prevail.
Categorical Budget. 1. Below is the approved Categorical budget for Fiscal Year 2021, for the term of September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2021. PERSONNEL $788,928.00 FRINGE BENEFITS $227,777.00 TRAVEL $12,887.00 SUPPLIES $41,580.00 CONTRACTUAL $0.00 EQUIPMENT $0.00 OTHER $4,025,100.00 TOTAL DIRECT CHARGES $5,096,272.00 INDIRECT CHARGES $1,325,030.00 TOTAL CONTRACT VALUE $6,421,302.00 MATCH $0.00 SYSTEM AGENCY SHARE $6,421,302.00
2. Below is the approved Categorical budget for Fiscal Year 2022, for the term of September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2022. PERSONNEL $788,928.00 FRINGE BENEFITS $227,777.00 TRAVEL $12,887.00 SUPPLIES $41,580.00 CONTRACTUAL $0.00 EQUIPMENT $0.00 OTHER $4,025,100.00 TOTAL DIRECT CHARGES $5,096,272.00 INDIRECT CHARGES $1,325,030.00 TOTAL CONTRACT VALUE $6,421,302.00 MATCH $0.00 SYSTEM AGENCY SHARE $6,421,302.00 J. FUNDING LIMITATIONS/RESTRICTIONS The Health and Human Services codified the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for HHS Awards, 45 CFR Part 75. In Subpart E, cost principles are described and allowable and unallowable expenditures for HHS recipients are delineated. 45 CFR Part 75 is available at xxxx:// management/policies-regulations/requirements-principles. Unless superseded by federal program statute or regulation, follow the cost principles in 45 CFR Part 75 and the standard funding restrictions below. Performing Agency may also reference the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration site for guidelines on financial management requirements at xxxxx:// management-requirements. This SAMHSA awarded funding by may not be used to:
A. Directly or indirectly, purchase, prescribe, or provide marijuana or treatment using marijuana. Treatment in this context includes the treatment of opioid use disorder. Grant funds also cannot be provided to any individual who or organization that provides or permits marijuana use for the purposes of treating substance use or mental disorders. See, e.g., 45 C.F.R. § 75.300(a) (requiring HHS to “ensure that Federal funding is expended . . . in full accordance with U.S. statutory . . . requirements.”); 21 U.S.C. §§ 812(c)(10) and 841 (prohibiting the possession, manufacture, sale, purchase or distribution of marijuana). This prohibition does not apply to those providing such treatment in the context of clinical research permitted by the Drug Enforcement Agency ...
Categorical Budget. The approved categorical budget for fiscal year 2021 is below: HHSC Uniform Terms and Conditions Version 2.16 Published and Effective: March 26, 2019 Responsible Office: Chief Counsel