Gross Capacity definition
Examples of Gross Capacity in a sentence
Gross Capacity of Crane at Longest Radius & Lowest Boom Angle for this Lift: _ lbs.
Gross Capacity shall be the capacity energy (kWh) of the entire battery pack and shall include usable, unusable, and/or reserve capacity energy.
Deductions normally are: Weight of main hook block Weight of slings and rigging Weight of auxiliary hook block Weight of all wire rope from boom tip and the block Weight of any stowed jib Gross Capacity The gross capacity is the capacity shown in the crane’s load or capacity charts.
The gross offshore energy potential for a unit area was calculated using the following equation: Gross Offshore Energy = Array Power Density x Gross Capacity Factor x 8760 hours per year (1) The array power density was set to 3 MW/km2 as described earlier.
Proposed Gross Capacity (MW).: b) Auxiliary Consumption (MW): c) Net Capacity (MW): d) Plant Load Factor (PLF) %: e) Net expected power generation per annum: …………….
Variations of Turbine Spaced and Diameter with Plant Gross Capacity at Maximum Net Power Fraction Fig.
Generation Petitioner’s submission 7.4 The Petitioner submitted that it has signed PPA with JSEB for the 122.85 MW capacity (25% of 491.4 MW, i.e., Gross Capacity of 2 Units of 270 MW each, totaling to 540 MW less Normative Auxiliary Consumption).
The phased gross capacity final cover material volume required to construct the three- foot thick final cover system for each phase is determined as follows: Gross Capacity = [Volume to Top Intermediate Cover + 2-foot Thick Cover System] – 2-foot Thick Liner Protective Cover The phased gross capacity includes (waste, daily, intermediate and final cover) and is presented in Table 2-3.
Proposed Power Project 1a) Proposed Gross Capacity (MW) b) Auxiliary Consumption (MW) c) Net Capacity (MW) d) Plant Load Factor (PLF)% e) Net Expected Power Generation per Annumin MU 2a) Location of Proposed site with Details b) Land details of the Power Plantsite.
Net Capacity for waste and daily cover soil has been calculated as (Gross Capacity – Liner Soil Volume – Final Cover Volume) 5.