Gross mismanagement definition

Gross mismanagement means a significant viola-
Gross mismanagement means a continuous pattern of managerial abuses, wrongful or arbitrary and capricious actions, or fraudulent or criminal conduct which may have a substantial adverse economic impact.
Gross mismanagement means the exercise of management responsibilities in a manner grossly deviating from the standard of care or competence that a reasonable person would observe in the same situation.

Examples of Gross mismanagement in a sentence

  • Whistleblowing is defined as making a disclosure "that the employee reasonably believes” is evidence of any of the following: • Gross mismanagement of a Federal contract or grant; • A gross waste of Federal funds; • An abuse of authority relating to a Federal contract or grant; • A substantial and specific danger to public health or safety; or • A violation of law, rule, or regulation related to a Federal contract or grant (including the competition for, or negotiation of, a contract or grant).

More Definitions of Gross mismanagement

Gross mismanagement means management of the Apartment Complex (or any part of the Project) in a manner which violates the terms and/or intention of this Regulatory Agreement to operate a first quality apartment complex, and shall include, but is not limited to, any one or more of the following:
Gross mismanagement means action or failure to act by a person, with respect to a person's responsibility, that causes significant harm or risk of harm to the mission of the public entity or public body that employs, or is managed or controlled by, the person.
Gross mismanagement means the exercise of management
Gross mismanagement means action or failure to act by a person, with respect to
Gross mismanagement means a significant, clear,
Gross mismanagement means action or inaction that creates a substantial risk of significant adverse impact on the OIG’s ability to accomplish its mission. It does not include discretionary management decisions, or action or inaction that constitutes simple negligence or wrongdoing. There must be an element of willful misconduct or gross and wanton negligence.
Gross mismanagement means that the school district's officers or employees committed or engaged in gross incompetence or systemic and egregious mismanagement of the school district's finances or financial records.