Gross Monthly Benefit definition
Examples of Gross Monthly Benefit in a sentence
If the answer in Item 4 above is less than or equal to 100% of Your Indexed Monthly Earnings, Your Monthly Benefit Payment will be Your Gross Monthly Benefit minus any Deductible Sources of Income.
The benefit for a period which is less than a full calendar month shall be 1/30th of the applicable Gross Monthly Benefit, less any Reductions of Coverage, multiplied by the number of days in said period.Benefits will be payable for each month or partial month that such total disability continues beyond the applicable qualifying disability period.
The benefit for a period which is less than a full calendar month shall be 1/30th of the applicable Gross Monthly Benefit, less any income and benefits payable under any Workers’ Compensation Law or similar law, multiplied by the number of days in said period.Benefits will be payable for each month or partial month that such total disability continues beyond the applicable qualifying disability period.
This plan pays 60% of Monthly Earnings to a Maximum Gross Monthly Benefit of$5,000.00 per month subject to reduction by deductible sources of income or Disability Earnings.
If the answer in Item 4 above is less than or equal to 100% of Your Indexed Monthly Pre- disability Earnings, Your Monthly Benefit Payment will be Your Gross Monthly Benefit minus any Deductible Sources of Income.
If the Plan Type is True Flat then both the Monthly Covered Payroll and the Gross Monthly Benefit equal the Maximum Monthly Benefit.
Gross Monthly Benefit means Your gross Long Term Disability Benefit as calculated from the Schedule of Benefits, prior to any reductions for Deductible Sources of Income.
The Gross Monthly Benefit for each individual equals the smaller of the following: {Monthly Earnings x Benefit Percentage} or {Maximum Monthly Benefit} The Monthly Covered Payroll, used in some of the following calculations, equals the Gross Monthly Benefit divided by the Benefit Percent.
First, we obtained detailed break-downs of damages categories and assessed their influences on pain and suffering damages.
MINIMUM MONTHLY BENEFIT The greater of 10% of the Gross Monthly Benefit or $100.