General Policies 9.6.1 Each Party’s resources are for approved this Agreement’s business purposes only. 9.6.2 Each Party may exercise at any time its right to inspect, record, and/or remove all information contained in its systems, and take appropriate action should unauthorized or improper usage be discovered. 9.6.3 Individuals will only be given access to resources that they are authorized to receive and which they need to perform their job duties. Users must not attempt to access resources for which they are not authorized. 9.6.4 Authorized users shall not develop, copy or use any program or code which circumvents or bypasses system security or privilege mechanism or distorts accountability or audit mechanisms. 9.6.5 Actual or suspected unauthorized access events must be reported immediately to each Party’s security organization or to an alternate contact identified by that Party. Each Party shall provide its respective security contact information to the other.
Deposit of original policies Each Borrower shall ensure that all policies relating to obligatory insurances effected by it are deposited with the approved brokers through which the insurances are effected or renewed.
General Policy Our policy is to make funds from your cash and check deposits available to you on the next business day after we receive your deposit. Electronic direct deposits will be available on the day we receive the deposit. Once they are available, you can withdraw the funds in cash and we will use the funds to pay checks that you have written. For determining the availability of your deposits, every day is a business day, except Saturdays, Sundays, and federal holidays. If you make a deposit before 6:00 p.m. within our facilities or through our ATM on a business day that we are open, we will consider that day to be the day of your deposit. However, if you make a deposit after 6:00 p.m. through our ATM or on a day we are not open, we will consider that the deposit was made on the next business day we are open.
Policies and Practices The employment relationship between the Parties shall be governed by this Agreement and the policies and practices established by the Company and the Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”). In the event that the terms of this Agreement differ from or are in conflict with the Company’s policies or practices or the Company’s Employee Handbook, this Agreement shall control.
Umbrella Policies Contractor may satisfy basic coverage limits through any combination of basic coverage and umbrella insurance.
Drug and Alcohol Policy 67.1 The Parties agree to apply the Drug and Alcohol Management Program (as amended from time to time) contained in Appendix G. 67.2 The Employer may refer an Employee affected by drugs or alcohol to the services provided by Incolink.
Alcohol Policy Where contractually bound, the employer will apply the Drug and Alcohol Management Program (DAMP) as contained at Appendix M.
National Environmental Policy Act All subrecipients must comply with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq., and the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Regulations (40 C.F.R. Parts 1500-1508) for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of NEPA, which requires Subrecipients to use all practicable means within their authority, and consistent with other essential considerations of national policy, to create and maintain conditions under which people and nature can exist in productive harmony and fulfill the social, economic, and other needs of present and future generations of Americans.
Personnel Policies The School shall adopt, update, and adhere to personnel policies. These policies must be made readily accessible from the School’s website or school office, as described in Section 11.4. 1. If the policy is not available from the School’s website, the School shall submit the current policy to the Commission.
Compliance with Consensus Policies and Temporary Policies Registry Operator shall comply with and implement all Consensus Policies and Temporary Policies found at <xxxx://‐policies.htm>, as of the Effective Date and as may in the future be developed and adopted in accordance with the ICANN Bylaws, provided such future Consensus Polices and Temporary Policies are adopted in accordance with the procedure and relate to those topics and subject to those limitations set forth in Specification 1 attached hereto (“Specification 1”).