Examples of Ground elevation in a sentence
Ground elevation varies from 270 m to 750 m above mean sea level.
Ground elevation measurements obtained using the RTK GPS system were used to validate the topographic lidar returns on areas of hard, flat surfaces.
Ground elevation will be relative to metre above mean sea level (masl) for controlling vertical datum.
Ground elevation contours with a vertical resolution of 5 or 10 metres are often used for strategic noise mapping.
Ground elevation around the edge of the limestone quarry ranges from 65m to 40m OD (north to south) with the deepest area of the quarry at -20.0m OD.
Ground elevation of the road change gradually in most sections following the Terrance.
Ground elevation and top of casing elevation reference points should be measured to North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD88) within 0.5 foot accuracy (23 CCR § 352.4) and a higher level of accuracy of 0.1 foot or less is preferred.
The preliminary plat shall be clearly and legibly drawn at a scale not smaller than two-hundred (200) feet to one (1) inch.(c) Ground elevation.
Ground elevation falls to mean low water level in the northeastern part of the site, where Gomes Brook crosses the site.
Ground elevation ranges between approximately 182 m Above Sea Level (ASL) at the southeastern boundary to approximately 175 m ASL at the shoreline.