Group Dwelling definition
Examples of Group Dwelling in a sentence
Shall include the definitions for Dwelling, Big House; Dwelling, Duplex; Group Dwelling; Group Care Dwelling; Manufactured Housing Unit; Multi-Family Dwelling; Single-Family Dwelling; and Townhouse Dwelling contained in the Town of Mount Pleasant Zoning Ordinance.
The Zoning Approval for the Stonehurst Mountain Estate is for Single Dwelling Residential and for Group Dwelling Houses (i.e. one unit per Erf) Second dwellings will be considered, provided due process is followed, i.e. a departure application is made, neighbours consents are obtained, and the HOA consents.
Title Details Plan1740Vol / Folio2039 / 306Registered OwnerTown of Victoria ParkEncumbrancesNil.Town Planning Local AuthorityTown of Victoria ParkZoningCarlisle Precinct: Residential ZonePlot RatioResidential R30Permitted Uses▪ Home office▪ Single House, Group Dwelling, Aged or Dependant Persons’ Dwelling, Multiple DwellingNote: Multiple Dwellings are only permitted in areas coded R40 and above.Development ApprovalsNil.
The Zoning Approval for the Stonehurst Mountain Estate is for Single Dwelling Residential and for Group Dwelling Houses (i.e. one unit per Erf) Granny flats, will be considered, provided due process is followed, i.e. a departure application is made, neighbours consents are obtained, and the HOA consents, (refer Pg 22 Item 12.7.1 Design Manual).
The project lies in a Forest Residential (FR-3) Zone, which lists Time Share Building and Group Dwelling as a conditional use.
C-6.a.2. Each Residential, Group Dwelling, Multifamily and Mixed Use development must provide for one of the following: i.
The Head of Housing Services will provide information for Group Dwellings, Housing Stock and any premises controlled by the Housing Service, with the exclusion of Group Dwelling boiler houses to which Housing personnel and tenants have no access.
Development TypeCurrentApril 10 D.C.B.S.Proposed (Note 1) Note 1: In the 2019 D.C. By-law, Back to Back Townhouses are considered Townhouse Dwelling and Stacked Townhouses (2 Bedrooms or less) are considered Apartment Units and the Group Dwelling Unit will be renamed Townhouse Dwelling.
Other Matters Consideration of appointments to the following CPC Committee: Subdivision Review Committee (SRC) Minutes: March 7, 2013 Adjournment CITY PLAN COMMISSION PUBLIC COMMITTEE MEETINGS Thursday, March 21, 2013 ZONING ORDINANCE COMMITTEE (ZOC) MEETING - Thursday, March 21, 2013, CityHall, 1500 Marilla Street, in 5ES, at 9:00 a.m., to consider (1) DCA123-001 - Consideration of amending the Dallas Development Code to amend Handicap Group Dwelling Unit regulations.
San Melia Group Dwelling in the C-3 zone at approximately 400 W 12th Street.