Examples of Grow site in a sentence
Date of disposal; (B) Amount of plants disposed; (C) Method of disposal; and (D) Grow site, production area, and harvest lots from which plants were disposed.
This will help with generating additional page views to garner additional revenue from on site advertising• Grow site subscribers by encouraging newsletter subscribers to forward the newsletter to non members• Integrate Google Analytics into the newsletter by tagging URL's for tracking and reporting purposes.
Grow site name:Disposed production area name:Disposed harvest lot name:(if applicable)Date of disposal:Amount of cannabis disposed:Disposal method used: Plowing under Mulching/composting DiskingBrush mower/chopper Deep burialLandfill BurningOther: acresOR sq.
Grow site name (Required: Limit to 10 characters of your choosing) Street address: County City State Zip *Required Attachment: copy of a map showing boundaries of this growing site.
Reporting requirements may apply to growers.)Grower’s name (first, middle initial, last): Date of birth: / /Mailing address: Gender: M F X City: State: ZIP: County: Phone number: Government-issued photo ID number (enclose a copy): Grow site informationPhysical grow site address: City: State: ZIP: County: Grow site questions1.