Grow site definition

Grow site means a specific location registered by the Authority and used by the grower to produce marijuana for medical use by a specific patient under ORS 475B.810.¶
Grow site means one contiguous lot, parcel, or tract of land used to produce or intended to produce industrial hemp.¶
Grow site means a location registered under ORS 475B.420 where marijuana is produced for use by a patient or, with permission from a patient, for transfer to a registered processing site or dispensary.

Examples of Grow site in a sentence

  • Date of disposal; (B) Amount of plants disposed; (C) Method of disposal; and (D) Grow site, production area, and harvest lots from which plants were disposed.

  • This will help with generating additional page views to garner additional revenue from on site advertising• Grow site subscribers by encouraging newsletter subscribers to forward the newsletter to non members• Integrate Google Analytics into the newsletter by tagging URL's for tracking and reporting purposes.

  • Grow site name:Disposed production area name:Disposed harvest lot name:(if applicable)Date of disposal:Amount of cannabis disposed:Disposal method used: Plowing under Mulching/composting DiskingBrush mower/chopper Deep burialLandfill BurningOther: acresOR sq.

  • Grow site name (Required: Limit to 10 characters of your choosing) Street address: County City State Zip *Required Attachment: copy of a map showing boundaries of this growing site.

  • Reporting requirements may apply to growers.)Grower’s name (first, middle initial, last): Date of birth: / /Mailing address: Gender: M F X City: State: ZIP: County: Phone number: Government-issued photo ID number (enclose a copy): Grow site informationPhysical grow site address: City: State: ZIP: County: Grow site questions1.

More Definitions of Grow site

Grow site means a grow site area registered under ORS 475B.810 identified by the grow site address where marijuana is produced for use by a patient or, with permission from a patient, for transfer to a registered processing site, registered dispensary, or Commission licensees as permitted by OAR chapter 825, division 25.¶ (2930) "Grow site address" is the identifier of the grow site.¶
Grow site means a contiguous lot, parcel, or tract of land registered with the Tribes on which a Hemp grower cultivates Hemp. A grow site may include land and buildings that are not used to cultivate Hemp.
Grow site means a contiguous lot, parcel, or tract of land identified in an approved Hemp Grower License application on which a Licensee cultivates or intends to cultivate hemp. A Grow Site may include greenhouses as well as land and buildings that are not used to cultivate hemp. Each lot, parcel, or tract of land separated by a barrier or buffer of at least twelve feet (12’) in width will be considered a separate Grow Site.
Grow site means a specific location registered by the Authority and used by the grower to produce marijuana for medical use by a specific patient under ORS 475B.810. C.792.¶
Grow site means the space of ground including and immediately adjacent to the area where work is conducted for cultivating and harvesting marijuana.
Grow site means a specific location registered by the Authority and used by the grower to produce marijuana for medical use by a specific patient under ORS 475B.810.means a location registered under ORS 475B.420 where marijuana is produced for
Grow site means a locationgrow site area registered under ORS 475B.810 identified by the grow site address where marijuana is produced for use by a patient or, with permission from a patient, for transfer to a registered processing site or dispensary. ¶