Guidance definition

Guidance means any guidance issued or updated by the UK Government from time to time in relation to the Regulations;
Guidance means any applicable guidance, direction or determination and any policies, advice or industry alerts which apply to the Services, to the extent that the same are published and publicly available or the existence or contents of them have been notified to the Supplier by the Authority and/or have been published and/or notified to the Supplier by the Department of Health, Monitor, NHS England, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, the European Medicine Agency, the European Commission, the Care Quality Commission and/or any other regulator or competent body;

Examples of Guidance in a sentence

  • The 2024 EMPA Funding Guidance allowable costs are divided into the following categories: Planning, Organization, Equipment, Training, Exercise, and Management and Administration.

  • Additionally, as in previous years, service codes for “Patient Education/Anticipatory Guidance (S9445)” and “Symptom & Treatment Monitoring (99401-99404)” should not be billed together on the same day.

  • The subrecipient may enter into written subcontract(s) for performance of certain of its functions under the contract in accordance with terms established in the State of Arizona procurement policy, OMB Circulars, Code of Federal Regulations, DHS Guidance and DHS Program Guide.

  • In the sole discretion of the System Agency, and in conformance with federal and state law, the System Agency may issue instructions, clarifications, or interpretations as may be required during work performance in the form of a Technical Guidance Letter (TGL).

  • Guidance Any current UK government guidance on the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.

More Definitions of Guidance

Guidance any applicable guidance or directions with which the Provider is bound to comply;
Guidance means guidance, in the form of one or more written notices, issued from time to time by or on behalf of the Clearing House to SwapClear Clearing Members, supplementing the detail or conduct of any aspect of the Rates Service DMP;
Guidance means guidance, in the form of one or more written notices, issued from time to time pursuant to Rule 1.2 of this Annex by or on behalf of the Clearing House to RCMs, supplementing the detail or conduct of any aspect of the RepoClear DMP;
Guidance means any applicable guidance, direction or determination and any policies, advice or industry alerts which apply to the Goods, to the extent that the same are published and publicly available or the existence or contents of them have been notified to the Supplier by the Authority and/or have been published and/or notified to the Supplier by the Department of Health, Monitor, NHS England, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, the European Medicine Agency the European Commission, the Care Quality Commission and/or any other regulator or competent body;
Guidance means official guidance of the Secretary as specified in the HITECH Act and any other official guidance or interpretation of HIPAA by a federal governmental agency with jurisdiction.
Guidance means fostering a child’s ability to become self-disciplined. Guidance shall be consistent and developmentally appropriate.
Guidance means any current UK Government Guidance on the Public Contracts Regulations. In the event of a conflict between any current UK Government Guidance and the Government Procurement Service Guidance, current UK Government Guidance shall take precedence;