Examples of Guiding Principles in a sentence
Guiding Principles - Client Impact* The American Rescue Plan Act, which provides the funding for this grant program, aims to ensure an equitable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Attachment 1 OREGON’S IMMUNIZATION BILLING STANDARDS Standards for providing and billing for immunization services in Oregon’s Local Public Health Authorities (LPHAs) Guiding Principles A modern LPHA understands their actual costs of doing business and dedicates resources to assuring continued financially viable operations.
Guiding Principles • All people living in Multnomah County should have access to safe, stable and permanent housing.
Supplier commits to establish and maintain a human rights due diligence process appropriate to its size and circumstances to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for how Supplier addresses the impacts of its activities on the human rights of individuals directly or indirectly affected by their operations and supply chains, consistent with the 2011 United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.