H older definition
Examples of H older in a sentence
Moreover, the Company shall, at the time of any exercise of this Warrant, upon the request of the Holder, acknowledge in writing its continuing obligation to afford to the Holder any rights to which the H older shall continue to be entitled after such exercise in accordance with the provisions of this Warrant; provided, however, that if the Holder shall fail to make any such request, such failure shall not affect the continuing obligation of the Company to afford to the Holder any such rights.
H older of a valid driver’s license with no suspensions in last three years and no habitual or serious traffic offenses. No misdemeanor conviction involving moral turpitude or pattern of misdemeanor convictions. Not a habitual drunkard or gambler. No use of illegal drugs in the past three years.
Report to P ort folio H older 20 October 2006 Report of: Head of Public Protection and H ousing S ubject: LICENSING OF HOUSES IN MULTIP LEOCCUPATION (HMOs) – LICENCE CONDITIONS S UMMARY 1.
N et ITC do not include the inward supplies on which refund has been availed under R ule 89 (4 A) and R ule 89 (4 B ).Supplies made on payment of GST to Advance Authorization / EP CG H older / EO U and recipient or supplier can get the refund of such amount paid against tax invoice.
H owever, system has been designed only to claim refund of such amount paid on inward supplies of goods by recipient only.R efund of GST paid on inward supplies by EO U who has claimed the benefit of exemption of B asic Custom D uty and IGST under N otification N o 78/ 20 17 Cus or Advance Authorization H older claiming exemption of B asic Custom D uty & IGST under N otification N o.
Each Unit Holder has a beneficial interest in th e Fund proportionate to th e Units held by such Unit H older.
Based on the FormulaRule 89(4 ) Refund claimed on ITC paid on Inward Supplies (Deemed Exports)Rule 89(4 A) Refund on claimed on ITC paid on Inward Supplies by EOU, Merchant Exporters & Advance AuthorisationRule 89(4 B)EP CG H older or EO U Eligible for all exporters to get the proportionate refund based on net ITC and total turnover and export turnover.
The H older has sought such accounting, legal and tax advice as it has considered necessary to make an informed investment decision with respect to its acquisition of this Warrant and the Selling Agent Warrant Shares.
Vew Members ofParrott, Geiger Are Named ToActivities FRUcl CommitteeA i T R O M R c e s B M c lg e t 4 5 - ^ 4 6Union Names Fonr New OfficersThe B aptist S tu dent U nion a t its regu lar bi-m on th ly m eetin g Thursday, O ctob er 11, e le cte d fo u r new office rs to fill in its va cancies.T he new o ffice rs a re : S a n cil H older, 1st v ice-p resid en t; L ouise Afassey, 2nd vice-p resid en t; B e tty Keene, 3 rd v ice-p resid en t; and, B obbie Snow , rep orter.
This A greement r egulates t he m utual r ights a nd obligations be tween t he Bank a nd t he Transaction A ccount H older r egarding ope ning, keeping a nd m anaging t he a ccount f or performance o f d omestic p ayment o perations, i n acco rdance w ith t he applicable l aw regulations a nd G eneral C onditions on opening, ke eping and m anaging transactions accounts for performing domestic payment operations, prescribed by the Bank.