Landholder means a party that directly or indirectly owns or leases 22 nonexempt land, as provided in 43 CFR 426.2;
Landholder means an individual, government or private organization or any other organ which has legal personality and has lawful possession over the land to be expropriated and owns property situated thereon.
Landholder s active groundwater bore” means bores that are able to continue to provide a reasonable yield of water in terms of quantity for the bores authorised purpose or use. This term does not include monitoring bores owned by the administering authority of the Water Act 2000.
Examples of Landholder in a sentence
In the event that the Landholder and the Licence Holder are unable to reach arrangement on valuation, the matter is to be dealt with in accordance with the Dispute Resolution procedure in clause 16 of this Arrangement.
These records or copies thereof must be made available to the Landholder and/or Contact Person upon reasonable notice being provided to the Licence Holder at any time during the currency of this Arrangement.
More Definitions of Landholder
Landholder means the person specified as the Landholder on page 1 of this Arrangement.
Landholder means a landholder as defined in the Ash Management Agreement;
Landholder means the party that is the “Landholder” under the Rail Corridor Agreement. Law includes any law or legal requirement, including at common law, in equity, under any Legislation, any condition of any authorisation, and any decision, directive, guidance, guideline or requirements of any Governmental Agency. Legislation means statutes, ordinances, regulations, by-laws, proclamations and subordinate legislation of the Commonwealth, the State or an Authority.
Landholder. , in relation to land, means the registered owner of the land or the person in whom the land is otherwise vested by law, and includes—
Landholder or “holder” means —
Landholder means a zamindar, jahagirdar, saranjamdar, inamdar, talukdar, malik or a khot or any person not hereinbefore specified who is a holder of land or who is interested in land, and whom the 4 [State] Government has declared on account of the extent and value of the land or his interests therein to be a landholder
Landholder means an individual or entity attributed with the total 123 irrigable acreage of one or more tracts of land situated in one or more districts owned and/or 124 operated under a lease which is served with Irrigation Water pursuant to a contract with the 000 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx; 126 (n) “Municipal and Industrial (M&I) Water” shall mean the use of Project 127 Water for municipal, industrial, and miscellaneous other purposes not falling under the definition 128 of “Irrigation Water” or within another category of water use under an applicable Federal 129 authority; 130 (o) “Operation and Maintenance” or “O&M” shall mean normal and 131 reasonable care, control, operation, repair, replacement and maintenance of Project facilities;