Examples of Health Account in a sentence
If you get Medicare Part A, this may reduce the amount you would be expected to pay to your Group, please check with your Health Benefits Officer (or, if you are retired, the CalPERS Health Account Management Division).
The MI Health Account vendor receives claim information on this beneficiary from the Department’s Data Warehouse vendor in early October 2014, which includes claims paid during April, May and June of 2014 for services that occurred on or after April 1, 2014.
Cost-sharing implemented through the MI Health Account framework will be associated with beneficiaries making more efficient use of health care services, as measured by total costs of care over time relative to their initial year of enrollment, and relative to trends in the Healthy Michigan Plan’s population below 100% of the Federal Poverty Level that face similar service-specific cost-sharing requirements but not additional contributions towards the cost of their care.
Cost-sharing and contributions implemented through the MI Health Account framework will not be associated with beneficiaries dropping their coverage through the Healthy Michigan Plan.
Exemptions from cost-sharing for specified services for chronic illnesses and rewards implemented through the MI Health Account framework for completing a health risk assessment with a primary care provider and agreeing to behavior changes will be associated with beneficiaries increasing their healthy behaviors and their engagement with healthcare decision-making relative to their initial year of enrollment.
Continue to analyze trends over time in MI Health Account and cost-sharing experiences.
Retiree Health Account Plan for post-retirement medical benefits.
A primary method of increasing awareness of health care costs and promoting consumer engagement in this population will be through the use of a quarterly MI Health Account Statement.
The MI Health Account vendor will be responsible for providing sufficient staffing and other administrative support to handle beneficiary questions regarding the MI Health Account, and will be obligated to educate beneficiaries (via in person, telephone, written or electronic communication) regarding these topics.
For an explanation of specific enrollment and eligibility criteria, please consult your Health Benefits Officer (or, if you are retired, the CalPERS Health Account Management Division).Under the Public Employees' Medical & Hospital Care Act (PEMHCA), if you are Medicare- eligible and do not enroll in Medicare Parts A and B and in a CalPERS Medicare health plan, you and your enrolled Dependents will be excluded from coverage under the CalPERS program.