Examples of Health Card in a sentence
To allow all decoration construction workers who have access to the exhibition halls to fully understand and abide by the safety regulations and regulations regarding decoration work, in order to protect the safety of workers and exhibition hall facilities, TAITRA requires that all decoration construction workers must receive training in "TAITRA Exhibition Hall Construction Safety" (TAITRA encourages workers to also attain a valid Taiwan Occupational Safety And Health Card).
Be it resolved that the Legislative Assembly urge the Government to require Albertans to make an explicit election regarding organ donation on the back of their Alberta Personal Health Card.
It will also exclude payment for any days for which the person was not eligible to receive the minimum pension supplement amount (e.g. if the person claimed a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card part way through the quarter).
ReferencesTo be a qualified Proposer, the vendor must include below three references with similar systems or equipment installed.
Additionally, starting from January 1st, 2023, TAITRA will replace "TAITRA Exhibition Hall Service Permit" with "Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Card".