Examples of Heating Contractor in a sentence
After the systems are thoroughly cleaned, they shall be put into operation by the Heating Contractor.
Every Heating Contractor or Master HVAC licensed hereunder shall, upon changing business address, give written notice thereof, including all particulars, to the License Commissioner within thirty (30) days of such change.
No Heating Contractor licensed to carry on business shall advertise or promote to carry on such business under any name other than the name endorsed upon their license.
No Heating Contractor or Master HVAC licensed under this Schedule shall allow their name to be used for the purpose of obtaining a heating permit or certificate of compliance for any heating work unless the work described in such permit or certificate has been or will be performed by them or under their supervision.
No Person shall be licensed as a Heating Contractor under this By-law and Schedule unless: (1) That Person is licensed as a Master Heating Installer or employs at least one licensed Master Heating Installer on a regular, full-time basis; and (2) Proof of General Liability Insurance is provided showing a minimum of $1,000,000.00 coverage, which coverage is endorsed to indemnify and save harmless the City.
Every Heating Contractor or Master HVAC performing heating work shall employ only certified and licensed Journeymen, in possession of a valid Certificate of Qualification and apprentices indentured under the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities for the type of work being performed.
Every licensed Heating Contractor performing or engaging in heating work within the limits of the Corporation of the City of Windsor shall ensure that: (1) all vehicles used by them in the course of business bear on both sides of each vehicle, in letters and numbers not less than 2.5 centimetres in height, the license number issued to them by the License Commissioner, and must contain the wording "Windsor License No.", all clearly legible at a distance of six (6) metres.
A person licenced as Heating Contractor under this By-law and Schedule shall not perform or permit to be performed any heating work which is not under the direct personal supervision of a Master Heater employed on the same contract or job who is under the direct supervision of a Master Heater.
A person licensed as a Heating Contractor or Master Heating Installer under this By- law and Schedule shall not: (1) Permit the use of the licensee's name by any other person, either directly or indirectly, for the purpose of obtaining a permit to do any work as a Master Heating Installer or Heating Contractor; and(2) Perform any work which requires a licence or permit unless a licence or permit is first obtained.
A Person licenced as a Heating Contractor under this By-law and Schedule shall not perform or permit to be performed any heating work which is not under the direct Personal supervision of a Master Heater or a provincially certified journeyman heater continuously employed on the same contract or job who is under the direct supervision of a Master Heater.