Examples of Heavy rail in a sentence
LIGHT RAIL- CONNECTING FREO WITH REGIONAL GROWTH CENTRESResponsible officer: Manager City Design and Projects Heavy rail: It is understood that the Government will take the Thornlie rail extension to Cockburn station and this is the third priority behind the airport link and the Ellenbrook extension.
Heavy rail facilities for freight pick-up or distribution; may include intermodal distribution facilities for truck or shipping transport.
Figure 1: Vehicle Miles Traveled and Capacity SOURCE: Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics, Tables VM-1 and HM-10For transit, from 1994 to 20045: Bus ridership grew 10 percent; Heavy rail ridership grew 27 percent; Commuter rail ridership grew 22 percent; and Light rail ridership grew 24 percent.
Heavy rail is generally the third-selected of the four analyzed aggregate modes, having the next-greatest statistical significance.
Heavy rail has reduced its overall emissions by 48% since 2006, significantly ahead of the EU 2020 target of 20%.
MAP–21 amended Federal transit law by creating a Public Transportation Safety Program at 49 U.S.C. 5329, which authorizes FTA to oversee the safety of public transportation throughout the United States, including most notably, fixed-guideway modes: Heavy rail, light rail, buses, bus rapid transit, ferries, and streetcars.
Heavy rail is generally defined as electrified rapid transit trains with dedicated guide-way, and light rail as electrified transit trains that do not require dedicated guide-way, and light rail as electrified transit trains that do not require dedicated guide-way e.g. trams.
Heavy rail is commonly referred to as a subway line, and includes the Orange, Red and Blue Lines.
LIGHT RAIL ~ CONNECTING FREO WITH REGIONAL GROWTH CENTRESResponsible officer: Manager City Design and Projects Heavy rail Officers presented informally with elected members regarding the state government’s Metronet proposal and possible implications to the City.
Heavy rail has a pivotal role to play based on the unique ability of electrified rail services to move large numbers of people quickly and safely.