Heritage Place definition

Heritage Place means a place in the Territory of heritage significance; “interim variation”, in relation to the Heritage Places Register, means a
Heritage Place means a National Heritage place within the meaning of the EPBC Act; and National Heritage Values means National Heritage values within the meaning of the EPBC Act.
Heritage Place means any place that may be of cultural heritage significance, or any place with potential to contain archaeological artefacts that are an important source of information about Queensland’s history.

Examples of Heritage Place in a sentence

  • The Contractor must ensure that, in carrying out the Contractor's Activities: it does not take any action that has, will have or is likely to have a significant impact on the National Heritage Values of a National Heritage Place; and it does not act inconsistently with or contravene: a management plan for a National Heritage Place made under the EPBC Act; or the National Heritage Management Principles under the EPBC Act.

  • For the purposes of clause 12: Commonwealth Heritage Management Principles means Commonwealth Heritage management principles within the meaning of the EPBC Act; Commonwealth Heritage Place means a Commonwealth Heritage place within the meaning of the EPBC Act; Commonwealth Heritage Values means Commonwealth Heritage values within the meaning of the EPBC Act; and EPBC Act means the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth).

  • The Contractor must ensure that, in carrying out the Contractor's Activities: it does not take any action that has, will have or is likely to have a significant impact on the Commonwealth Heritage Values of a Commonwealth Heritage Place; and it does not act inconsistently with or contravene: a management plan for a Commonwealth Heritage Place made under the EPBC Act; or the Commonwealth Heritage Management Principles under the EPBC Act.

  • Phase I consists of homes in Andalusia I, II and III, Mountainview Place and Heritage Place.

  • However it also poses a risk to various other Matters of National Environmental Significance including 14 threatened species, 20 migratory species and a National Heritage Place.

More Definitions of Heritage Place

Heritage Place means a building, structure, landscape element, site, area of land or other physical element valued for its cultural (or historic) heritage significance, together with associated contents and surrounds.
Heritage Place means a place that is included on the State Register of Heritage Places maintained by the Heritage Council of Western Australia, included on a local government heritage inventory and/or the Heritage List attached to the Local Planning Scheme.2
Heritage Place means a property, site, area, region, structure, group of structures, open space, public square, street, park, field or natural feature that is worthy of conservation due to its heritage value;56
Heritage Place means a building, structure, landscape element, site, area of land or other physical element valued for its cultural (or historic) heritage significance, together with associated contents and surrounds. For the purpose of the Local Planning Policy this means those places that have been included in the Heritage List.
Heritage Place means a place in the province which includes or is comprised of an historic resource of an immovable nature;
Heritage Place means a place that is:
Heritage Place means any place contained on the State Register of Heritage Places, the Shire of Toodyay Municipal Inventory of Heritage Places, any Heritage List adopted under a Local Planning Scheme or contained in Appendix 3 of this Local Planning Policy.