Higher Qualification when used in reference to an employee means a qualification or an examination relevant to progression along the stepped training pathway to achieve a vocational scope of practice under HPCAA and/or granted by specialist body (college). Each higher qualification step relates to a registrar passing each of the examinations set by the specialist body (college) or such other qualifications as are recognised by the employer in the individual case.
Higher Qualification means a qualification appropriate to the specialty in which a Doctor is employed conferred upon the Doctor by a University, Medical School or Learned College including:
Higher Qualification means such qualification, applicable to the speciality concerned, obtained by a medical practitioner subsequent to graduation and which is recognised by the National Specialist Qualification Advisory Committee to be a higher qualification.
Examples of Higher Qualification in a sentence
Proof of Higher Qualification (if any) - Mark sheet of all semesters and Degree/ Diploma Certificate.
Eligible employees to be governed by newly proposed Higher Qualification Incentive (HQI).
PROFESSOR:i) Masters in Occupational Therapy (M.O.T. / M.O.Th./M.Th.O./M.Sc. O.T.) with Ten years of total experience in Occupational Therapy.ii) Desirable: Higher Qualification like Ph. D.
Bank may in i ts absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the information in this RFP.
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR:i) Master in Physiotherapy (M.P.T./M.P.Th./M.Th.P/M.Sc. P.T.) with eight years total experience as Assistant Professor.ii) Desirable: Higher Qualification like Ph. D.
More Definitions of Higher Qualification
Higher Qualification means any such qualification obtained by a Police (Forensic) Medical Officer subsequent to graduation which is recognised as a higher qualification by the employer for the purposes of qualifying an employee for access to the higher qualification allowance applicable under subclause 3.3 of clause 3, Salaries and Progression. This may include:
Higher Qualification means a qualification which requires at least the attainment of a first degree, or equivalent recognised by the Senate, at entry level and includes a degree of Bachelor Honours.
Higher Qualification when used in reference to an employee means a qualification entitling the employee to registration under the vocational scope of practice under HPCAA and/or granted by specialist body (college). Higher qualification relates to a registrar passing the final examination component set by the specialist body (college) or such other qualifications as are recognised by the Employer in the individual case. From 18 April 2022 “Higher qualification” when used in reference to an employee means a qualification or an examination relevant to progression along the stepped training pathway to achieve a vocational scope of practice under HPCAA and/or granted by specialist body (college). Each higher qualification step relates to a registrar passing each of the examinations set by the specialist body (college) or such other qualifications as are recognised by the Employer in the individual case.
Higher Qualification means a qualification applicable to the speciality concerned, obtained by a medical practitioner (as defined) subsequent to graduation and which is recognised by the National Specialist Qualifications Advisory Committee of Australia to be a higher qualification.
Higher Qualification means a qualification appropriate to the specialty in which a practitioner is employed conferred upon the practitioner by a University, Medical School or Learned College including:
Higher Qualification means a qualification appropriate to the speciality in which a Practitioner is employed conferred upon by the Practitioner by a University, Medical School or Learned College which is recognised by the National Specialists Qualification Advisory Committee to Australia (NSQAC) including: 24.9.1 Postgraduate degrees and diplomas of Universities, which are recognised by NSQAC;
Higher Qualification means a qualification appropriate to the speciality in which a Specialist is employed conferred upon by the Specialist by a University, Medical School or Learned College which is recognised by the relevant Specialist College including: * postgraduate degrees and diplomas of Universities which are recognised by the relevant College; * membership or fellowship of a College or Association of Specialists recognised as being indicative of higher qualification by the relevant College; * any other postgraduate qualification at the level of Masters or above appropriate to the speciality in which a Specialist is employed; * where the minimum compulsory training period in that specialty required to qualify for the postgraduate qualification exceeds four years, years in excess of four will be counted as experience after obtaining higher qualification in the definition of Senior Specialist, Principal Specialist and Senior Principal Specialist.