Historic fill definition

Historic fill means generally large volumes of non-indigenous
Historic fill means generally large volumes of non-indigenous material, no matter what date they were emplaced on the site, used to raise the topographic elevation of a site, which were contaminated prior to emplacement and are in no way connected with the operations at the location of emplacement and which include, but are not limited to, construction debris, dredge spoils, incinerator residue, demolition debris, fly ash, and non-hazardous solid waste. "Historic fill" shall not include any material which is substantially chromate chemical production waste or any other chemical production waste or waste from processing of metal or mineral ores, residues, slags, or tailings.
Historic fill means generally large volumes of non-indigenous material, no matter what date they were emplaced on the site, used to raise the topographic elevation of a site, which were contaminated prior to emplacement and are in no way connected with the operations at the location of emplacement and which include, but are not limited to, construction debris, dredge spoils, incinerator residue, demolition debris, fly ash, and non-hazardous solid waste. "Historic fill" shall not include any material which is substantially chromate chemical

Examples of Historic fill in a sentence

  • Historic fill may be solid waste including, but not limited to, coal ash, wood ash, municipal solid waste incinerator ash, construction and demolition debris, dredged sediments, railroad ballast, refuse and land clearing debris, which was used prior to October 10, 1962.

  • Historic fill material means non-indigenous or non- native material, historically deposited or disposed in the general area of, or on a site to create usable land by filling water bodies, wetlands or topographic depressions, which is in no way connected with the subsequent operations at the location of the emplacement, and which was contaminated prior to emplacement.

  • Historic fill contaminant delineation is limited to the on-site property boundaries.

  • Historic fill and debris (e.g. tires and assorted trash) would be removed and replanted with native vegetation.A significant component of the project involves conveyance of conservation easements along tidal riverine wetlands as well as an upland buffer (with a minimum width of 25 ft) from willing landowners to a conservation entity.

  • Historic fill consisting predominantly of greyish brown, fine- to medium-grained sand with varying amounts of silt, clay, gravel, brick, coal ash, concrete, asphalt, and wood was encountered across the site beneath the surface cover to depths from about 1 to 20 feet below grade surface (bgs), and in some areas extends to shallow bedrock.

  • Former Pfizer Property Site B – Operable Unit 2Gerry Street, Brooklyn Construction Completion Report Addendum Historic fill soil has remains on the west and northwestern portions of Lot 52.

  • Historic fill and debris (e.g. tires and assorted trash) would be removed and replanted with native vegetation.A significant component of the proposed alternative involves conveyance of conservation easements along tidal riverine wetlands as well as an upland buffer (with a minimum width of 25 ft) from willing landowners to a conservation entity.

  • Historic fill material is material generally deposited to raise the topographic elevation of the site, which was contaminated prior to emplacement and was used extensively throughout the State, particularly along industrialized water front areas in North-Eastern and South-Western New Jersey.

  • Historic fill material, petroleum contaminated soil, and clean native soil that required excavation for construction of the new building was removed from the Site in accordance with the procedures outlined under the approved Remedial Action Work Plan.

  • Historic fill that is non-soil as defined in this technical guidance requires a CAO/BUD.

More Definitions of Historic fill

Historic fill means generally large volumes of non-indigenous material, no matter what date they were emplaced on the site, used to raise the topographic elevation of a site, which
Historic fill means solid waste including, but not limited to, coal ash, wood ash, municipal solid waste combustor ash, and railroad ballast, which was used before October 12, 1962 to create, or to subsequently function as, usable land by filling water bodies, wetlands or topographic depressions. Historic fill includes any soil or soil-like wastes excavated from any area, which is downstream up to a reasonable limiting distance from a known point of contamination listed in one of the previously referenced databases or which is known to have been filled using solid waste.

Related to Historic fill

  • Medical Records the Study Subjects’ primary medical records kept by the Institution on behalf of the Study Subjects, including, without limitation, treatment entries, x-rays, biopsy reports, ultrasound photographs and other diagnostic images. Zdravotní záznamy: primární zdravotní záznamy Subjektů studie vedené Zdravotnickým zařízením ve vztahu k Subjektu studie, zejména záznamy o poskytnuté péči, zázanym o RTG vyšetřeních, protokoly o provedených biopsiích, snímky z ultrazvukových vyšetření a další snímky diagnostické povahy. Study Data: all records and reports, other than Medical Records, collected or created pursuant to or prepared in connection with the Study including, without limitation, reports (e.g., CRFs, data summaries, interim reports and the final report) required to be delivered to Sponsor pursuant to the Protocol and all records regarding inventories and dispositions of all Investigational Product. Studijní data a údaje: veškeré záznamy, zprávy a protokoly, jež jsou odlišné od Zdravotních záznamů, a které jsou získány, shromážděny či vytvořeny v návaznosti na či připraveny v souvislosti se Studií, zejména zprávy, záznamy a protokoly (např., CRFs, datové přehledy, mezitímní zprávy a protokoly, a závěrečná zpráva), které jsou požadovány, aby byly poskytnuty Zadavateli v souladu s Protokolem a veškerými záznamy ohledně inventurní evidence a nakládání s veškerým množstvím Hodnoceného léčiva.

  • Public business means and includes all matters which relate in any way, directly or indirectly, to the performance of the public body’s functions or the conduct of its business.