Examples of Usable Land in a sentence
Exceptions and Modifications Section 800 – Compliance Required Section 801 to 803 Reserved Section 804 – Gasoline Service or Filling Stations Section 805 – Manufactured Buildings and Manufactured Homes Section 806 – Usable Land Section 807 – Subdivisions in Planned Developments Section 808 – Cluster Subdivisions Article IX.
The maximum number of dwelling units shall equal the Net Usable Land Area within the parcel to be used for the Town House Cluster Development in accordance with this Section III-F divided by 15,000, rounded to the nearest whole number.
Net Usable Land Area as used herein shall mean sixty-five (65) per cent of the area remaining after subtracting the areas of any bodies of water, wetland, or land lying within the 100 year flood elevation from the gross area of the parcel to be used for residential use and open space.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Net Usable Land Area shall not exceed 80% of the overall parcel size inclusive of the areas of any bodies of water, wetlands, or land lying within the 100-year flood elevation.
For the purposes of calculating Net Usable Land Area and notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, wetlands shall not include any area that was created or converted into a wetland by human activity including without limitation Federal, State, or Municipal improvements.
The maximum number of dwelling units allowed in a Single Family Town House Cluster Development Shall equal the "Net Usable Land Area" within the parcel divided by the minimum lot area requirements for a single family dwelling in that District as determined from Section IV-B of these By-laws then rounded to the nearest whole number.
The maximum number of dwelling units allowed in a RSC Single Family Town House Cluster Development shall equal the "Net Usable Land Area" within the parcel divided by the minimum lot area requirements for a single family dwelling in the RSC District, as determined from Section IV-B of these By-laws, then rounded to the nearest whole number.
In many cases,the number of bedrooms for a proposed home is used as an indicator of peak daily flow. Net Usable Land Area: The area available that meets all setback requirements to structures, easements, watercourses, or other geologic limiting factors for the design of an OWTS.
If the Developer Parcel includes any land that is subject to road right-of-way, conservation easements or other easements or restrictions that preclude or limit the development of the land, the surveyor shall determine the acreage of such portion of the Developer Parcel for purposes of determining the Net Usable Land (as hereinafter defined).
Additionally, if the sum of the land area lying below the 100-year flood elevation and the wetland resource area, as defined in Section III–5.F.12, exceeds twenty five (25) percent of the gross land area of the parcel, then the Net Usable Land Area will further be reduced by the amount that this sum exceeds the twenty five (25) percent threshold.