Home food establishment means a business on the premises of a residence that is operating as a home-based bakery where potentially hazardous bakery goods are prepared for consumption elsewhere. Annual gross sales of these products cannot exceed $20,000. “Home food establishment” does not include a residence where food is prepared to be used or sold by churches, fraternal societies, or charitable, civic or nonprofit organizations. Residences which prepare or distribute honey, shell eggs or nonhazardous baked goods are not required to be licensed as home food establishments.
Home food establishment means a business on the premises of a residence where potentially hazardous bakery goods are prepared for consumption elsewhere. Annual gross sales of these products cannot exceed $20,000. This term does not include a residence where food is prepared to be used or sold by churches, fraternal societies, or charitable, civic or nonprofit organizations. Residences which prepare or distribute honey, shell eggs or nonhazardous baked goods are not required to be licensed as home food establishments. Home food establishments with annual gross sales of $1,000 or less in sales of potentially hazardous bakery products are exempt from licensing under Iowa Code section 137D.2, if
Home food establishment means a business on the
More Definitions of Home food establishment
Home food establishment means a business on the premises of a residence where potentially haz- ardous bakery goods are prepared for consumption elsewhere. Annual gross sales of these products cannot exceed $20,000. This term does not include a residence where food is prepared to be used or sold by churches, fraternal societies, or charitable, civic or nonprofit organizations. Residences which prepare or distribute honey, shell eggs or nonhazardous baked goods are not required to be licensed as home food establishments. Home food establishments with annual gross sales of $1,000 or less in sales of potentially hazardous bakery products are exempt from licensing under Iowa Code section 137D.2, if the food is labeled and the label states that the food comes from a kitchen not under state inspection or licensure and that labeling complies with rule 481—34.3(137D).
Home food establishment means a business on the premises of a residence in which prepared food is created for sale or resale, for consumption off the premises, if the business has gross annual sales of prepared food of less than Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00). Gross annual sales include all sales of prepared food produced by the business at any location.
Home food establishment means a business on the premises of a residence in which prepared food is created for sale or resale, for consumption off the premises at farmers markets, on site, at cooperatives, through membership-based buying clubs or for delivery, if the business has gross annual sales of prepared food of
Home food establishment means a business on the premises of a residence in which prepared food is created for sale or resale at farmers markets, on site, at cooperatives, through membership-based buying clubs or for delivery, if the business has gross annual sales of prepared food of less than Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00). Gross annual sales include all sales of prepared food produced by the business at any location.
Home food establishment. “Home bakery” means
Home food establishment means a business on the premises of a residence where potentially haz- ardous bakery goods are prepared for consumption elsewhere. Annual gross sales of these products cannot exceed $20,000. The term does not include a residence where food is prepared to be used or sold by churches, fraternal societies, charitable, civic or nonprofit organizations. Residences which prepare or distribute honey, eggs or nonhazardous baked goods are not required to be licensed as home food establishments. Honey and baked goods must be labeled pursuant to rule 481—34.3(137D).
Home food establishment means a business on the premises of a residence in which