Examples of Hosting capacity in a sentence
Hosting capacity of a distribution feeder or feeder line segment is determined by a number of factors, including DER location on the feeder, feeder topology, design and operation, DER technology, and geographic location of a feeder.
These integrative processes lead to solidarity among the group mem- bers.121 Schein (2004, p.
Braun, "Hosting capacity of low-voltage grids for distributed generation: Classification by means of machine learning techniques," Applied Soft Computing, vol.
The data will be updated regularly by the utilities.• Stage 4: Hosting capacity data to be further refined at more granular levels, such as incorporat- ing host capacity data on the sub-feeder level and the locational value that interconnection of DERs would have on a particular feeder and/or substation.
A report with diagrams of which Line sections have additional Hosting capacity for additional interconnections;2.