house shop definition

house shop means a dwelling house, second dwelling or outbuilding in which a retail trade is conducted by one or more occupants who reside on the property and where the dominant use of the property remains the living accommodation of the occupants;
house shop means the conducting of a retail trade from either a dwelling house, second dwelling, third dwelling or outbuilding by one or more occupants who shall reside on the property;”;
house shop. (huiswinkel) means the conducting of a limited retail trade (excluding the trade of fresh meat and scrap metal) from a dwelling-house by one or more occupants of the dwelling-house concerned, who shall reside in the dwelling-house; provided that the dominant use of the dwelling-house concerned shall remain for the living accommodation of one family, and “spaza shop” has a corresponding meaning;

More Definitions of house shop

house shop means the conducting of a retail trade from a dwelling house, second dwelling, shelter or outbuilding by one or more occupants who must reside on the property; provided that the dominant use of the property must remain for the living accommodation of the occupants.
house shop means the conducting of a retail trade (excluding the trade of fresh meat and scrap metal) from a dwelling-house by one or more occupants of the dwelling-house concerned, who shall reside in the dwelling-house; provided that the dominant use of the dwelling house concerned shall remain for the living accommodation of a family”It is noted that a House Shop must be conducted from a dwelling-house. A dwelling house is defined as follows:
house shop means the use of a portion of residential premises for the sale of convenience goods to the public in a structure or portion of building on the premises that allows for the serving of goods to customers directly from the street;
house shop means the operation of a retail outlet from a portion of a dwelling, outbuilding or other detached structure, for which there is an approved building plan, operated by one or more residents of that specific dwelling house, provided that the predominant use of the property will remain residential and that the dwelling house be mainly used for the residential accommodation of a single family.
house shop means the conducting of a limited retail trade (excluding the trade of fresh meat
house shop. (huiswinkel) means the use of a portion of a dwelling house or outbuildings as a shop by the permanent resident provided that:
house shop means the land use of conducting of a retail trade from a dwelling house or outbuilding by one or more occupants of the dwelling house concerned, who shall reside in the dwelling house; provided that the primary use of the dwelling house concerned shall remain for the living accommodation of a single family.