Examples of Housing Board in a sentence
The Chandigarh Housing Board will not responsible for any litigation at any stage and transferee shall be responsible for any defect in title or any false statement made for which the transferor is directly liable for civil and criminal proceedings.
The Board may reverse or affirm wholly or partly, or may modify the order, requirement, decision or determination appealed from and may make such order, requirement, decision or determination as justice would require, and, to that end, shall have all the powers of the police officer or public officer; provided, however, that the Housing Board of Appeals, in its determination, shall be bound by this Part and shall not ignore the clear provisions and intent of this Part.
Intermediate housing differs from low cost market housing (which Government does not consider to be affordable housing).• Key worker – includes those groups eligible for the Housing Corporation funded Key Worker Living programme and others employed within the public sector (i.e. outside of this programme) identified by the Regional Housing Board for assistance.
Any decision or order issued under, per and in accord with this Part, shall be held in abeyance upon the timely filing of an appeal thereof with the Housing Board of Appeals.
The lease period shall commence from the date on which the land under Property was allotted to the Chandigarh Housing Board by the Estate Officer, U.T., Chandigarh and shall be for a period of 33 years, renewable for two like periods of 33 years each subject to the condition that the lessee continues to abide by all the conditions of lease at the time of such extension and during the extended period.
The Manufactured Housing Board shall adopt rules under Title 5, chapter 375, establishing a used manufactured home standard no later than December 1, 1990.
Secretary/Chief Engineer, Chandigarh Housing Board (for Non-Technical/Technical) : Member5.
Related Organization The City Council is responsible for appointing the members of the Low Rent Housing Board, but the City’s accountability for this organization does not extend beyond making the appointments.
Relevant details including CV and academic/experience certificates of each including proposed for deployment on the works must be furnished as enclosures to this annexure.2. The individuals proposed for deployment on the works & as indicated above can only are replaced with person of at least equal academic qualification & experience, with prior written permission of the Commissioner, Chhattisgarh Housing Board.
Any person, including the police officer or public officer for the City, aggrieved by any decision of the Housing Board of Appeals, may appeal to the Court of Common Pleas of Berks County.