Examples of Housing Board in a sentence
Tel No.:7518801837 • Morena House No. HIG 959, Near Court, Front of Dr. Lal Lab, Old Housing Board Colony, Morena, Madhya Pradesh, Morena - 476 001.
Any sums paid by an assessee for the purpose of purchase or construction of a residential house property, the income from which is chargeable to tax under the head "Income from house property" (or which would, if it has not been used for assessee's own residence, have been chargeable to tax under that head) where such payments are made towards or by way of any instalment or part payment of the amount due under any self- financing or other scheme of any Development Authority, Housing Board etc.
The Chandigarh Housing Board will not responsible for any litigation at any stage and transferee shall be responsible for any defect in title or any false statement made for which the transferor is directly liable for civil and criminal proceedings.
The Chandigarh Housing Board has absolute right to change any or all terms and conditions at any point of time.
However, in case the Chandigarh Housing Board, Chandigarh fails to fulfil its obligation to allot the property for any reason or in public interest, the Chandigarh Housing Board shall return the amount of 25% so paid by the Bidder and the intending purchaser shall have no claim to any damages.
Upon the receipt of full consideration money, the Chandigarh Housing Board shall issue Allotment letter to the intending Purchaser giving the Terms &Conditions of allotment.
AAALC0132H) and he will submit the photocopy of receipted online challan in respect of the TDS so deposited and the balance amount payable to Chandigarh Housing Board would be total consideration minus 1% of TDS.
Any sums paid by an assessee for the purpose of purchase or construction of a residential house property, the income from which is chargeable to tax under the head "Income from house property" (or which would, if it has not been used for assessee's own residence, have been chargeable to tax under that head) where such payments are made towards or by way of any instalment or part payment of the amount due under any self-financing or other scheme of any Development Authority, Housing Board etc.
The Chairperson, Property Allotment Committee (PAC) may withdraw any Property that may have been put up for E-Tender and he/she may accept or reject the highest bid without assigning any reason and decision of the Chandigarh Housing Board in this regard shall be final.
Open spaces included in the residential area shall be maintained by the owner to the entire satisfaction of the Chandigarh Housing Board/ Chd.