Examples of ICMA Sustainability Bond Guidelines in a sentence
In line with the ICMA Sustainability Bond Guidelines, the Framework is presented through the following key pillars: use of proceeds, process for project evaluation and selection, management of proceeds, reporting and external review.
In line with the ICMA Sustainability Bond Guidelines, the Framework is presented through the following key pillars: use of proceeds, process for project evaluation and selection, management of proceeds, reporting and external review.The Framework has been designed to comply with the draft EU Green Bond Standard4 (the “EU GBS”), when relevant and feasible.
The Fiji Sustainable Development Bond Framework is in alignment with the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) Sustainability Bond Guidelines 2021, the Green Bond Principles 2021, the Social Bond Principles, the Harmonized Framework for Impact Reporting 2020, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) SDG Impact Standards for Bond Issuers 1.
OFT also extends loans to entities in which OMERS has a majority economic interest.This Framework addresses the four core components of the ICMA Green Bond Principles2 (“ICMA GBP”), the ICMA Social Bond Principles3 (“ICMA SBP”) and the ICMA Sustainability Bond Guidelines (“ICMA SBG”)4: 1.
This Sustainable Bond Framework has been created in alignment with the ICMA Green Bond Principles 20186 (GBP), ICMA Social Bond Principles 20207 (SBP) and the ICMA Sustainability Bond Guidelines 20188 (SBG) or as they may be subsequently amended.
In line with the ICMA Sustainability Bond Guidelines, the Framework is presented through four core components (use of proceeds, process for project evaluation and selection, management of proceeds, reporting) and includes two key recommendations (framework publication and external review).
OFT also extends loans to entities in which OMERS has a majority economic interest.This Framework addresses the four core components of the ICMA Green Bond Principles2 (“ICMA GBP”), the ICMA Social Bond Principles3 (“ICMA SBP”) and the ICMA Sustainability Bond Guidelines (“ICMA SBG”)4: 1.
The Bonds under the program follow the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) Green Bond Principles 2018 (GBP)1, Social Bond Principles 2018 (SBP)2 and the ICMA Sustainability Bond Guidelines 2018 (SBG)3, and have been verified by Sustainalytics.
The programme follows the ICMA Sustainability Bond Guidelines 2018 (SBG)1.
Eligible Projects are investments and expenditures made by us in line with eligible Social or Green projects which are aligned with the International Capital Market Association (“ICMA”) Social Bond Principles (“SBP”), the ICMA Green Bond Principles (“GBP”),the ICMA Sustainability Bond Guidelines (“SBG”) or, the Loan Market Association (“LMA”) Green Loan Principles (“GLP”) or the LMA Social Loan Principles (“SLP”).