Examples of Impact point in a sentence
The Fund changed its name from the Inflation-Protected Bond Fund to the Real Return Fund on December 1, 2014.
Sudhir Babu, Practicing Company Secretary, (Proprietor, CSB Associates) to act as the Scrutinizer for conducting the remote e-voting process as well as the e-voting system on the date of the AGM, in a fair and transparent manner.
RTCC will recommend and RTAC will make final Regional Impact point assignments at their November meetings.
Taking those considerations into account, the Court held in particular that Clause 4.1 of the framework agreement on fixed-term work is unconditional and sufficiently precise for individuals to be able to rely upon it before a national court (see Impact, point 2 of the operative part of the judgment).
RTCC will recommend and RTAC will make final Regional Impact point assignments at their June meetings.
Case C-268/06, Impact, point 124-125; Case C-307/05, Del Cerro Alonso, point 41.
RTCC will recommend and RTAC will make final Regional Impact point assignments at their May meetings.
Third, we estimate theWooded terrainAim Impact point point (time - TOA_error) Figure 1: PEM ConceptsWoodedterrainparameters that determine the missile arrival time error.
Impact point - Enter the 6-digit grid location, including the impact point’s grid zone designator.
RTCC will recommend and RTAC will make final Regional Impact point assignments at their August meetings.