Impending danger definition

Impending danger means a situation in which family behaviors, attitudes, motives, emotions, or situations pose a threat that may not be currently active but that can be anticipated to become active and to have severe effects on a child at any time.
Impending danger means a foreseeable state of danger in which family behaviors, attitudes, motives, or emotions or the child’s physical environment poses a threat of maltreatment.
Impending danger means a foreseeable state of danger in which a behavior, attitude, motive, emotion, or situation can be reasonably anticipated to have severe effects on a child according to criteria developed by the department.

Examples of Impending danger in a sentence

  • Impending danger is often not immediately apparent and may not be active and threatening child safety upon initial contact with a family.

  • Impending danger is often subtle and can be more challenging to detect without sufficient contact with families.

  • Impending danger places a child in a continual, imminent, but not present position of being seriously or severely maltreated.

  • Impending danger can only be identified after gathering sufficient information in the six information domains.

  • Impending danger threats are typically more subtle in nature than present danger and can best be described as a pervasive “state of danger.” Impending danger threats result from persistent and ongoing out-of-control negative family conditions in the home.

More Definitions of Impending danger

Impending danger means a situation in which family
Impending danger means a foreseeable state of danger in which family behaviors, attitudes, motives, emotions and/or situations pose a threat which may not be currently active, but can be anticipated to have severe effects on a child at any time in the near future and requires safety intervention. The danger may not be obvious at the onset of CPS intervention or occurring in a present context, but can be identified and understood upon more fully evaluating individual and family conditions and functioning.
Impending danger means the presence of a threatening family condition that is specific and observable, is out of control, is certain to happen in the next several days, and is likely to have a severe effect on a child. Refer to
Impending danger means a foreseeable state of danger in which a behavior, attitude,
Impending danger means a state of danger in which current family behaviors, attitudes, motives, emotions, or situations pose a threat which can be anticipated to have severe harmful effects on a child within the near future, and requires prompt safety planning.
Impending danger means parenting behavior that is harmful and destructive to a child's cognitive, social, emotional or physical development that is likely to occur in the immediate or near future that could result in one of more of the following outcomes:
Impending danger means the presence of a threatening family condition